Feature Requests

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Inbox speed/performance is great but here's some feedback
The speed is pretty fantastic, congratulations! But here are a couple of things that will definitely not help on the productivity side: 1 - The fact that we have to click to open the notification. This will potentially mean thousands of clicks in a day, just to see what happened in a task. There should be a toggle button to have them all expanded by default or collapsed, so each user could choose their preference. 2 - The fact that if you don't have the "auto open sidebar" on, then you cannot open the task. This definitely needs to be changed: on an expanded notification, if we click on the notification title (task name) then the task should open. 3 - Breadcrumbs. We need to know from which list that notification is coming from, otherwise it is one more click we'll have to do. 4 - Messages vs activity: I get why this was divided. But from a productivity point of view (at least for me), it would be better to have the possibility to see messages AND activity on the same notification. Because, if I open a notification I want to see everything that happened on that particular task, not just the comments or activity. Otherwise, I need to: open notification, see the comment, open the task to check the other stuff that happened OR open the notification, see the comment, open the activity tab and search for the notification, open it and see what happened. Wouldn't it be much better if I could see everything at once when I open the notification? Maybe this is as simple as having a third tab on the top: "Messages"/"Activities"/"Messages and activities". Thank you
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