Hi, ClickUp Team! I’ve noticed that the Action Items for Tasks and Subtasks are quite basic at the moment. While it’s great that we can add text, links, and assign them to specific people, I believe there’s room for improvement to make this feature more dynamic and user-friendly. For example, when pasting links into Action Items, it would be great if they could auto-expand or “unfurl” to show a preview—similar to how Trello handles their Checklists. In Trello, links automatically display a rich preview, making it easier to identify and manage resources without having to click through each link. This adds a visual layer of clarity and helps users quickly see what the link is about at a glance. Enhancing Action Items with features like link previews, rich text formatting, or even file attachments could make them more powerful and efficient for task management. Just a thought I wanted to share—thanks for considering!