2-way sync for Outlook
in progress
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Ricardo Clerigo
Hi folks - Ricardo here, I own calendar at Clickup. How's your day going today? 🦄☀️
I wanted to provide you all with an update to 2-way sync for tasks to Outlook and Office 365 calendars.
There's two features within this canny post:
- See my Outlook events in ClickUp
- See my ClickUp tasks in Outlook
🎉 Good news! - we have a beta version of both (1) and (2) ready and are rolling it out slowly over the coming months. We do this so we can spot and fix issues as we go making sure most of you get a great experience.
I'll update this post with the link as soon as we open more spots.
Can't wait for you all to try it!
PS: A quick note on (2) (ClickUp tasks to Outlook calendar).
We decided to make this integration one-way and I wanted to share a bit more on why.
First, one way means your tasks in lists, folders or spaces will sync to your Outlook calendar within minutes of you make changes. This includes the start date, due date and task title.
For example, if you make changes in ClickUp those will reflect in your Outlook calendar within 10 minutes.
But if you make changes to these events in Outlook (such as renaming it, moving it around), those changes will not be reflected back to the task in ClickUp.
We did this as a stepping stone to full 2 way sync.
Franziska Tryzna
What is the current status of this Ricardo Clerigo ?
Ryan MacAlmon
Ricardo Clerigo - On the Clickup Side we need to have the option to add a meetings towards the workload. User maybe double or triple booked and just follow a meeting but not actually attend.
Bob Spencer
One Way Sync from Clickup to Outlook would work fine, If we had read visibility to the Outlook Calendar as well in Clickup. We don't need to change existing items, but visibility to their work is key to plan around existing commitments made outside of Clickup. Outlook Calendar integration is useless with the continuous double bookings.
I'm also disappointed that this has been a request for almost 7 years now, and implementation was promised in 2024, and it is still not in place.
You mentioned a lifetime ago there would be a beta link tot test this. Before i finally decide enough is enough and migrate elsewhere - i'm checking in with you guys one final time for a meaningful update on the Outlook integration
Thiago Damasceno
Here we use the clickup to take notes and control the time of the collaborators, it would be interesting to be able to control TimeTracked with Outlook
Peter Ratkay
So any news? It's been since July? :(
Jesus Uriel
We expect this integration as soon as possible. thanks
Nick Wilkinson
Any updates? Ability to see full schedule in CU would be superb. Long awaited request this one :D
Ben Fowler
Is there any update on this please? We would like to be part of the beta if this is still available!
Eliyahu Kalfa
Clickup team, any updates?
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