Now that Dashboards are out, here's our wishlists for the next iteration! Widget for Docs - being able to show a single document. Use case: 1) To showcase SOP/Notes to users that don't have edit permissions in the doc. (why not just use the text widget? because when using Docs as a Wiki, using the text widget fractures the information flow) 2) To add notes to an ongoing document, for users with edit permissions. Calendar Widget, with options to show single day, 4 days, week, month, like in GCal - useful to be working from a single Dashboard and have the agenda on hand at a glance Task widget - Ability to add tasks from the widget - but not by having to scroll all the way down the list, but either a form on top like in Inbox, or on the bottom might be clearner/out of the way Tasks - changing status without opening the full task Time tracked - being able to group tasks by: tag, list/folder, or other custom field, rather than just grouping per user. Use Case: Replacing Toggl as timesheets for clients. Being able to calculate the total for client/folder, but see the breakdown per list - being able to filter by single use or cumulative by all users. Pie chart: Time TRACKED - grouping by list/folder, tag, or custom field