Automated Reporting - Scheduled Export of Dashboards
in progress
We would like the ability to have pre-set reports run and sent to our email based on a recurring schedule.
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Lily Chan
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the excitement. I wanted to share with you an update just before the holidays, that Zach - ClickUp and the Automations Squad have been working hard on the scheduler, which will allow users to create a schedule-based trigger. Not only will we be using this mechanism for scheduling exports, but you'll be able trigger task actions too.
I've attached an image of a sneak peek of what we're testing out in QA. We will share more after the holidays.
Rebecca Julius
Lily Chan I don't see any years on the dates here - will this be able to support something like "Every year on Dec 31" as a trigger? And do we HAVE to have an end time? I'd like to schedule things like that to go indefinitely or until I delete the automation.
Grant Hushek
Lily Chan HUGE! Can't wait.
Lily Chan
Rebecca Julius: Yes, it will be able to support something like "Every year on Dec 31". You can also have "Never" as an end time - this will be the default.
Scarlett Foster
Lily Chan Hi Lily, this is great news, thank you for updating us. Do you have a timeframe of when we can expect to be able to use this feature? Thanks.
Lily Chan
We're not ready to share a target date yet, but we'll provide an update here once we're ready, including beta details.
Katie Champion
Is there any updates to this feature?
OWAIS ahmed
Much needed features.. should generate schedule reporting and alert deviation in mail to concern members
Justin Clarke
Click Up i'd like to be notified about this feature as well. Also, I think that you should have the ability to determine what the data_type is in the email sent (pdf or .xlsx) and what data actually is shown in the report (not everything in the actual dashboard may be required for these reports).
Echoing what Vikram Adithya Ganesh has stated being able to determine the date for these automated reports and EDIT the date if it needs to be edited in future would be mandatory.
Lily Chan
Justin Clarke: We have in the designs the ability to choose the export format - as long as what you're exporting supports it.
For Dashboards, we currently support PDF so for the first iteration of this, we'll be able to support PDFs. I know there is a feature request for supporting csv/Excel formats, which we will work on prioritizing after this. Please vote here if you haven't already:
Lily Chan
Justin Clarke Vikram Adithya Ganesh - Yes, you'll be able to determine the date and edit the date, which would update future triggers of the automation.
Can Bolel
Any news team?
Danny Jimenez
I'm confused as to WHY this is'nt already a feature on ClickUp? Like.... come on already. I need to send a snapshot report of my dashboard to clients. If i can't do that I'll just go back to Asana.
Lily Chan
Merged in a post:
Automatic exports of dashboards
Vikram Adithya Ganesh
It would be helpful if we can schedule exports for dashboards on a regular basis. It would reduce the manual step of exporting the dashboard regularly.
Zach - ClickUp
Hey everyone!
Jumping in here with Lily Chan as we're both working on solutions that will bring this feature request to life. I'm currently working on the scheduler right now (which will power automated reporting), and would love your input on the solution. Please take this 5-minute survey to view the concept and share your thoughts.
Thank you! 🙏
Sevim Doğaner
Zach - ClickUp hey! I mostly use the Table view for tasks created through form submissions. I really need to have weekly or monthly reports for the Table view. Will this feature be included in the views?
Phani K
Zach - ClickUp ANy update on this feature availability
Lily Chan
in progress
Daniel Cunha
Lily Chan 🙏
Vikram Adithya Ganesh
Lily Chan Is there a timeline when we can see a demo or beta version of how this feature would work?
Lily Chan
Vikram Adithya Ganesh Once the design is finalized and we have some engineering estimates, I will be able to provide a more accurate timeline. I'll keep this thread up to date.
Can Bolel
Any recent update on this very important feature?
Lily Chan
Can Bolel: We have some preliminary designs of the scheduling portion that we will share soon to get feedback on through a survey. Stay tuned!
Can Bolel
Lily Chan awesome!! Looking forward to it ✨
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