One of the things I loved about Asana (one of the few things, since I really do think you guys are doing a much better job) was how easy it was to modify the names of projects or tasks. You could literally click it and would be in edit mode. So many times I find myself trying to do this in ClickUp and then having to wait a few seconds for the task modal to load on my page. Then I wait another second or two for it to close. Then I have to click the ellipsis to modify the task, then the pencil icon. All of this simply to change the name of a task. I don't have the best answer for this (you guys are clearly awesome at this so I defer to you) but perhaps to the left of the "circle icon" on a task (where you can select a color for the task) you add the pencil there so I only need to click once to enter edit mode? The same could go for a project, except perhaps put a circle with a pencil to the left of the + sign. I would even go as far as to suggest the same thing for the delete trash can. I'd move the ellipsis to near the drop down and then add "one click functions" over to the right side. Anywho, I'm getting carried away. All I really care about is an easier way to modify the text of some of these items.