Custom Task ID at the Workspace, Folder, List level, subtask
Rich Manzana
Current this is only available at the space level. I'd like create Custom Task IDs at all levels. Workspace, space, folder, list.
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Joanna Cendrowski
Yes, this would be a game-changer for our space. We have spaces by client, but different projects/SOWs within one client space. Would make it so much easier to check that time-sheets are allocating time to the right SOW/bucket of money if the task ID was set per folder. I could name it ACME-SOW12-<ticketnumber>.
Joachim Chauveheid
We'd really need something like this. Using the space-level id is not super practical.
Maybe I could set up an automation that overwrite the custom id at task creation. But it would be more handy to have that built-in, especially for git project integration
Cyrill Jörg
any update on this? When will this be implemented? People are waiting on this feature for quiet a long time now.
Saskia Mardi
Yes please - currently I need so many spaces to be able to have different custom task ids. Also the ability to rest numbering of the custom task ID would be great.
Joanna Cendrowski
We would love this at the folder level at least. It'd be a game changer! We have Spaces FOR ALL our clients because we need the custom task IDs to be client-specific (for Github and Harvest time tracking). But would love a space for out Support clients, where each folder is a different support client. It would allow us an easy view of ALL active tickets in Support.
Nhel Rosal
Upvote - We currently need this in our project this help allot for setting up transaction No. and Membership ID in the same space
Collin Bentley
Upvote — very desirable functionality at least at the list level, as well as ability to define Custom Task IDs for different types of tasks (custom defined tasks) within a space. For example, Incident task type should have the INC-123 custom ID, while Change task types should have CHG-123 custom ID.
Adrian Berca
Sarah Humphries
This is a must have for us to be able to create at list level
Sub-tasks should definitely be able to be suppressed from the main task custom task ID so it shows nothing, or e.g if “1” is the main task number, the sub-task should have a level e.g. 1.1. This will preserve continuous numbering at the task level which you should also be able to sort and filter with. It’s essential for managing a ticket based system of any kind that needs a unique reference without being on all sub-tasks.
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