Feature Requests

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Long text field with Rich Text format
We use the long text field in List view for writing status notes in every task after a meeting. (a kind of meeting notes) For easily seeing what is the latest status notes, we always add the latest date on top of the text field so we can remember what we discussed or agreed on decision and action or information from the last weekly tactical meeting The long text field we use to display in the list view can be shown as an example below: 20/01/20 Customer agreed to sign the contract. 15/01/20 No answer from the customer 10/01/20 Roy will call the customer To distinguish the different contents in the text field, we need a simple rich text editor with some important features such as Bullets, Numbering, Bold Text, Strikethrough, color, and URL link would be great. Other important feature should be improved can be 1 - The text field can be "pop out" with at least 5 rows and extra-wide instead of 2 rows as we have now. (See screenshot 1 attached or Monday.com here https://support.monday.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001150345-The-Long-Text-Column ) At the right end corner, we can drag and drop the field frame box to resize the field size as we wanted to show more or lest text contents When popping out, the text field will display text which is laying on top of the frame first instead of display text at the bottom of the window frame as default. Right now when we click to pop out the window, we have to scroll to the top the read the newest text content laying on top of the text field which is not very user-friendly. If you open any Word document or PDF file, the application doesn't show you text at the bottom or last page of the document as default right? It always shows you the first page so you can start and read the document from page one. 2 - Option for adding command date = (/today) would be fantastic so we don't have to type in today date manually (See screenshot 2)


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