Add priority levels
Catie Armstrong
It would be great to be able to add another priority level, and change colors of the current ones. I find that I have more levels of priority than the program allows. And some of the colors don't get my attention either, specifically the gray looks very similar to the clear.
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Amanda Jones
It would be great if we could rename the priorities. We have things that are sometimes urgent depending on the day, and it would be great to have it flagged like "do not push" or something as we sometimes move task dates and such. Even if we don't add levels, it would be great to be able to rename them.
Custom priorities... Could impliment the Eisenhower Matrix strategy if I could rename the flags to:
Urgent + Important
Urgent + Not Important
Not Urgent + Important
Not Urgent + Not Important
Mario Dieguez B.
Priorities could have a dynamic number assigned with multiple decimal levels.
Say if I'm looking at a specific List it may be pretty straight forward to assign priority to a relatively small group of tasks, but when you switch to the Folder, Space or even the Everything level, determining the relative priority of tasks from different contexts (Lists, Folders, Spaces) becomes a challenge.
So to help in assigning that realitve priority of tasks from various contexts, I propose a dynamic number set by dragging one or a group of tasks over another. Example:
If at the Folder level I am seeing 4 tasks from 2 Lists (2 tasks each) using a list view sorted by decreasing priority, and one task from each list has High priority, but I want the High priority task from List 1 to have higher priority than High priority task from List 2 (but not Urgent priority) I select task from List 1 and drag it above High priority task from List 2, dynamic priority would be incremented by 0.5 points.
Urgent 4
High 3
Normal 2
Low 1
Empty 0
So dynamic priority for High priority task for List 1 that was moved up would be updated to 3.5, while High priority task from List 2 (that sits below) would remain at 3.0.
If a task with priority of 3.5 is dragged above another task with same priority 3.5, then 0.005 is added to dynamic priority, thus getting a 3.55 priority. And so forth adding 0.0...5 to a "reasonable" maximum sublevels.
When broadening the scope to the Space level, one may eventually see too many priority levels. So to aid in simplifying the scenario, one could select a group of tasks with different but close priority values and have ClickUp equalize their priority, prompting to either move up (say to 3.55) or down (say to 3.5).
When grouping by priority, a special rule would be helpful such that would only take into account the integer (so 3.0, 3.5, and 3.55 go together).
Arthur Wait
Add, delete, rename would be ideal.
Rahul Dev
Not only customising the existing priority levels but adding the new priority levels & deleting the existing ones is extremely important. This is a core & basic feature of task management. The developers should take it up on the highest priority.
Steven Laff
Tasha Raynard
Yes, we also need more levels of priority and the ability to change the colors so they stand out and meet our organizational needs. Please add this!
Julien Mourier
I agree on this. As the list of tasks keeps growing, it's good to be able to differentiate the ultra-urgent from the important tasks but not as urgent.
Kasper Dam
We stopped using the built-in priority for these reasons and are just using a drop-down field now instead.
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