danil dev
Please add a Russian language that would be great!
Мария Новикова
Uladzislau Kalechyts
Unfortunately, the lack of the Russian language has become a serious obstacle to the company's implementation of the application. Also, I cannot recommend it to my clients to legal entities, as many employees, directors and company owners are unable and unwilling to adapt to English.
Add a language! Or give me the opportunity to make a crack. It's so easy for a project at your level.
Alexander Smith
Contact the ClickUp team (in Russian)
Dear ClickUp team,
Please add Russian language support! In the modern world, where integrating new languages into the interface is a standard practice and is not technically difficult, the absence of the Russian language looks like a flaw or even neglect for a multimillion user audience.
You're creating a powerful project management tool, but you're depriving people who could use your service more actively. This spoils the impression about the product and makes it more difficult to distribute it among Russian-speaking users.
Don't ruin customer relationships at such a basic level. Russian language support is not just a wish, but a necessity if you really want to remain a global platform.
Looking forward to your feedback and positive changes,
Letter to ClickUp Team (in English)
Dear ClickUp Team,
Please add support for the Russian language! In today's world, integrating multiple languages into a platform is a standard practice and technically easy to implement. The lack of Russian support feels like an oversight or even disregard for millions of potential users.
You have built a powerful project management tool, but by not supporting Russian, you limit accessibility and discourage adoption among a significant user base. This negatively impacts the user experience and damages your relationship with international customers.
Don't ruin your reputation at such a basic level. Adding Russian language support is not just a feature request—it's a necessity if you truly want to be a global platform.
Looking forward to your response and positive changes,
There are so many programmers here, and no one has ever amused a script/extension for translating site elements into Russian, as they did with notion?
Ahh, the irony of living in a politically charged world. Half of my Ukrainian team requests the Russian language, yet ClickUp continues to ignore this most-voted feature request.
Please add Russian language, our team is from Kazakhstan
We need a Russian language!
Roman Smirnov
I'm joining you! We need Russian in the service!
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