Pricing plans vs features
I just wanted to share an (early) concern:
I see that 'unlimited' is slowly getting restrictions in favor of Business. I do understand why, I'm all for making stuff 'Business' that normal users wouldn't need, but most of the time with other tools they feel artificially restrictive.
Just wanted to share this. I do want you to make money, but I also would like to share my thoughts about how you price and slice features :)
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Luci N.
Hey, everyone! We really appreciate you taking the time to share how we can improve ClickUp. Your feedback about Workspace pricing has been passed on to our pricing and platform team.
We encourage you to keep sharing your ideas, especially for new features and product improvements, on our feature request boards. We appreciate your feedback!
I think this could also could possibly by merge with same or related features requests:
Hi ClickUp! Could we get an update on this topic?
I am happy to pay for an app that is great to use everyday.
But as a one-person business, there is a loooot of features I don’t need in Business Plan or higher plans (which are pricy for small businesses) while I may love to add one or two features to my subscription (that aren’t worth the price of the plan).
I think a lot of people are in this situation, and may have a different interests like : workload, mind maps, timeline or even just a few exports to excel a year… you name it!
Anthony C.
Merged in a post:
If we are already paying, why are they not allowed to export the views for the reports?
It seems very unfair to me that simply to export a report you have to pay more, it seems to me a very bad practice for your clients, when it is such a basic and necessary function.
Doug Houvener
The limitations placed on the 'unlimited' plan are kinda crazy—I use ClickUp at my day job, so I'm used to being able to do most of what I want to without having to pay for upgrades. But as a moonlight freelancer, I wanted to be able to PM with a few clients here—something as simple as putting a logo or updating colors on a form view is an upgrade? I understand and support the need to scale the business into the Enterprise, but don't drag the small guys through the same pricing structure. Disappointed—"artificially restrictive" is the perfect way to describe this.
Dan Parker
I just want ticket numbers! Why is this still an issue? Clickup has moved very fast and has a lot of great features, but I just want ticket numbers, that's not worth doubling the price of my subscription.
Antonia Cassoli
Same situation here. I just need one feature of Business plan: labels on time tracking. This is a very basic feature, every other tracker (Toggl, Timely, Clockify) has it as a FREE feature. So: why on the Business?
I want to pay for this great tool, that's fair, but I am on Unlimited plan,and this what you's expect to have: unlimited features. In my opinion Business plan should only have more storage or specific features for collaboration in team, but not a feature so basic!
I'm a freelancer, no team, no employees: why should I pay for the Business?
Patrick Kofler
New plan (Business Plus), similar situation:
Chris Fagerstrom
Patrick Kofler: you can use this feature. I needed only this feature from BP on the B plan. It appears that you only get that if you upgrade, but you do actually get it - it's just limited to 1,000 uses/month, similar to the automations. If you have tasks in multiple lists clickapp enabled, go back to that clickapp and check the new box for subtasks - that was my issue. Now for the limited amount I use it, I don't need to upgrade. Hoping by time I hit that 1,000 use limit they will have some more useful features on the BP plan to convince me that upgrading is worth it. Right now it isn't.
Patrick Kofler
Chris Fagerstrom: On B plan it's not 1,000 uses/month but 1,000 uses in total (see We are burning through our sprints at a high velocity - two sprints and we would hit the limit of 1,000 uses.
In the meantime though, we got offered a discount for BP plan and upgraded - because subtasks in multiple lists is essential for the workflow we wanted to create.
Chris Fagerstrom
Patrick Kofler: that's disappointing. I'll likely have to make that switch at some point, also.
As someone already mentioned, the reason why I've moved to ClickUp from Asana is exactly because I thought that here I could finally pay a reasonable price for the complete feature set I need for only the seats I need.
Yet it now turns out that this "Unlimited" plan is in fact, very limited, and one of the features that would make all the difference for me is reserved for "business".
I am a freelancer and I am using ClickUp for personal management. I wanted to upgrade my plan from free to Unlimited, but then I realized that the main reason why I wanted to upgrade it in the first place (access to multiple Automation Actions & Conditions) is not available in the unlimited plan.
As a one-man team I don't need all of those "business" features of the business plan, in fact, I don't need most of the features of the Unlimited plan either. So suddenly going from free to paying 9$ just because I want better automations is extremely hard to swallow!
Other people with the same issue:
In fact, I think these better automations should be ADDED TO THE FREE PLAN! Or alternatively, add a personal plan that would allow people who are a part of it to add better automations to any of the workspaces they are included in.
Let me explain.
I like ClickUp, and I wanted to use it for my family management too - eg. to help distribute house chores, keep track of my kid's schoolwork, etc. However, if I wanted better automations, with the addition of my two other family members, the price would suddenly go from free to 27$ even though I don't need any of the Unlimited or Business quotas or features which is far from acceptable for me.
And that's not all. Though I wish to bring all of the beauty of ClickUp in my daily life and am willing to pay for it, there are countless situations in which I wouldn't be able to shoulder the cost of all those paid features (besides the better automation) that I don't need.
I'm talking about some small group projects that everyone goes through in their lives. Such as:
* Task management within a household
* Organizing a birthday party for a friend
* Running a school charity event
And there are many, many more situations. For example, what if my kid wanted to work on an indie game with his friends? You can't expect a couple of teens to pay for a business plan just because they want some "advanced" task assignment logic?
In all of these scenarios, the people involved have no need for the paid features of ClickUp and can't justify paying for it. Yet what they would always benefit from is better automations.
If you don't wish to include better automations for free, then an alternative is to allow any person who is a part of a paid plan to create better automations in workspaces (even free workspaces) that they are a part of. (Of course, these free workspaces would still have their normal free limits on quotas.)
Or you could include a Personal plan that gives certain benefits to a person themselves unrelated to a single workspace - such as allowing them to create better automations in all the workspaces they are a part of.
In such a scenario, I would be paying for ClickUp for me alone. But I would still be able to have the benefits of automations if I wanted to participate in minor projects/events with other people.
If purchasing an Unlimited plan, or even a Business plan, for just myself would give me the benefits of creating better automations on all of the workspaces I'm a part of, I'd immediately fork out the money.
Ana: add your family as guests. Plus, I get discounted offers up to 35% every other month, maybe that helps.
Ruud: I was under the impression that Guests can only view things and can't edit anything. I see now that we can assign different permissions to guests so they can potentially add and edit tasks?
Thanks for pointing that out.
Discounted offers to Unlimited or Business? Cause I need those automations. 😞
Ana: yes, I do get them on email around certain events, like memorial day. Maybe see if you approach them on chat if they are willing to help you out. 30% should be achievable.
Chris Fagerstrom
Ana: It's $4/m. Seriously? Just pay it imo. Is $48 in 365 days really going to break the bank? 13 cents/day to be more productive? It's been WELL worth it for me.
Eric Wightman
Merged in a post:
Allow more BUSINESS features in the UNLIMITED plan
I'm enjoying my first couple of week digging into ClickUp.
I'm a freelancer with no employees. Using it as a hyper-productivity solution. All-In-One. Liking it.
However, most of the time when I see a feature that I'd like to use and is not in the free plan, it's actually included only in the 3rd tier, Business.
I would expect to see them in the 2nd tier, Unlimited.
These are things which are quite useful already for a private/personal user - way before we're talking about a team/business - hence why I feel they should be in Unlimited.
(Perhaps in return, there a few Unlimited features that could go into business - for example anything related to multiple users/guests.
I suggest renaming the plans based on the size/type of users:
Free -> Unlimited Personal -> Unlimited Business -> Enterprise
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