Make Teams feature pay per use
Pratiek Sawhney
Currently, the teams feature is only open on upgrading to the business plan, though my team does not require the business plan currently since we are in the nascent stage of moving from Asana / Jira to Click Up, while we might not need everything from the business plan, the teams feature is such that it holds importance to every business and makes life easier for tracking and assigning and I believe if not included, it should be like Automations are (if more than 1000, then Pay per use), similarly, you can introduce the plan for teams as well.
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Scott Mooney
Yeah, I find I'm reluctant to invite clients as guests to manage our often brief freelance projects because I don't want to use up all my guest seats. It would be great if I could feel free to rent seats for short times on a per project basis. Most of my gigs are 3-6 weeks. Some of them are a few months, and some are indefinite.
Jonas Larsen
Very interesting idea!