Reorganise the sidebar sections and drag and drop Chats between them
in progress
Dean Phillips
The ability to organise the sections by drag and drop, as well as drag and drop Chats between sections
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Luis Sanchez
Also, please allow a toggle to make these sections global for the workspace.
Ryan Wiancko
Glad to see this is planned. Table stakes. Important to do this in conjunction with this suggestion:
Not only do you want to be able to re-order but you want the section(and chat) order to be the default order across your org.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Adjust chat section order in sidebar
Amanda Prete
Once you make a chat section, if you want to rearrange the order you basically have to delete and recreate your order again. It would be great to be able to click and drag or select the option to reorganize the sections you've made for your chats. Thanks!
Michał Mrzygłocki
That would be great, I fully agree.
This would be much appreciated. Being able to re-order chats in a section would be nice too (there is no Sort section > Custom)
Brendan W
in progress
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Drag and drop chats into sections
Dan West
After creating a section in the Chat tab, I want to be able to drag and drop chats into that section. The current way requires me to click "Add Chat" to the section each time to individually add each Chat. This is time consuming and clunky. Please let me just click and drag a chat into the section and have it be added this way, like what I can do with Slack.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Click and drag sidebar in chat
Jeff Brown
The sidebar sections are incredible, but manually moving into sections is counter-intuitive for the sidebar hierarchy. Simple drag and drop of the left sidebar will fix this.
Dean Phillips
Merged in a post:
Reorder Sections
Would love the ability to reorder sections rather than them being listed by the order the were created or by most recent message.
Guy Mannerings
We should be able to see chats displayed in their hierarchy location -
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