Make it optional to add a chat on a location (space/folder/list)
in progress
Viktor Demčák
Currently, a chat is automatically created for every Workspace, Space, Folder, and List, even when it might not be needed (Also an independent chat can be created, resulting in even more confusion) leading to unnecessary clutter. I think it would be better to create chats independently and allow them to be linked to them.
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Luisa Patterson
Agree! We only need one chat per space. After migrating all our chats from Slack, a new folder was created under each space as well. Would love to just link a chat to either a space, folder, or checklist so that we can keep things organized better. I am also concerned with my team using the wrong chats since there are so many that are being unused currently!
Brendan W
in progress
Georgia King
When the chat was first released, I had the following chats, for every client in my company:
- auto-generated folder-based chat
- auto-generated list-based chat
- auto-generated view-based chat (because i had been using a chat view on the list, previously)
Come to find out, I didn't need ANY of these, because chatting in the comment threads of each task is actually way better at keeping topics organized properly. When we need to have what feels like a "general" conversation about a client/project, we think for a second and quickly realize it would be better to just create a task for that conversation, even if it gets resolved quickly.
Alex de la Fuente
Agreed. It feels unintuitive—and overly-opinionated—to force a Chat interface for every W / S / F / L. It also causes confusion when users are inconsistent about which "level" to discuss a topic.
Shelby Jansen
Alex de la Fuente Yes this has been a struggle of mine also. New users tend to not know where to chat and start threads everywhere!
Vincent D'Amico
I was initially overwhelmed because of how it was presented. But as I had more time to learn what Clickup Chat has to offer the more and more impressed I was with it. So I do hope you consider giving more universal controls and governance for onboarding purposes.
Thank you!
Alistair Wilson
Agree with Vincent D'Amico for sure.
If there were also permissions relating to who can create/manage a chat that would be great.
Dean Phillips