Import Slack to existing ClickUp Chats
Jackson James
The biggest issue preventing our team (and many others) from finally leaving Slack is that the import feature does not:
• Import into existing Chats; or
• Import as a new native Chat
The current import feature imports Slack channels as separate lists (weird) instead of actual Chats. This means we have to manage native Chats as well as weird lists that we have to remember are chats.
This is confusing for team members and creates enormous clutter. When importing an entire Slack workspace with over 100 channels, it makes it utterly unmanageable.
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Brendan W
Meredith Fleig
We're having this same issue - we'd love to move completely away from slack, but we have so much historical data that we can't. When trying to import, we can only add to a space and it creates a new chat. The ability to be able to select a chat channel that's already made and connected to a list or folder would finally allow us to move over.
Jackson James
Brendan W any update on this?
It has been Under Review since early January...
Brendan W
Jackson James Our team is preparing to work on this, we're aligning on direction and hope to start soon!
Jackson James
Brendan W thanks. Will this include importing DMs?
Many teams have expressed in other posts that importing DMs will enable them (and myself) to migrate from Slack.
Brendan W
Jackson James: Not at this time no, please add another feature request for that if you'd like DMs to be included!
Allanda Hageman
This is also what is currently blocking our team from adopting ClickUp chat. We can't move away from Slack because we can't lose the historical information in there. And to Jackson's point, adding one more additional place to go in ClickUp in order for team members to access the chat just isn't going to happen. If it can't be integrated into an existing list, it's essentially pointless for my team.
Jackson James
Brendan W, Zach, any update on this...?
So many teams will migrate from Slack if this is done
Brendan W
Jackson James Sorry Jackson, didn't see your message. Replied to the one above
Garrett Moore
PLEASE DO THIS ALREADY! This is the only thing keeping us from swapping completely to ClickUp Chat.
Or at least allow us to merge chats where once we import a slack channel into a new chat, we can just merge it with the clickup chat of our choice.
Basically by forcing Slack imports to be new chats, it doesnt allow anyone to pickup their work in the chats attached to a list or workspace, which is the entire advantage of clickup chat. So the import is basically pointless currently.
Jackson James
Brendan W & Zach, this 👆�
Rhonda Laws
the way it currently works is great EXCEPT it doubles the channels if they already exist. This has created a need to merge channels.
Brendan W
Rhonda Laws: Hey! Can you expand on what you mean by it doubles the channels?
Brendan W
Rhonda Laws Hey any update?
Alistair Wilson
Definitely need this.... can't wait to offboard multiple slack seats, but we need to insert that historical content into existing ClickUp chats.
Jackson James
Alistair, it seems like such simple improvement, to me. The Zapier integration can already send messages to existing Chats…that’s basically what an Import function is, right? 🤷🏼♂️
Why can’t it work like a “Send to Chat” integration but just include the timestamps?
Alistair Wilson
Jackson James wouldn't confuse that logic with a migration. If one used Zapier to import historical slack data, it would probably cost a few thousand USD in overage fees due to task consumption!
Just hope CU make it a possibility to do bulk import with a couple of additional parameters on the chat matching feature!
Jackson James
Alistair what I mean is, if the Zapier-ClickUp integration already has the ability to detect and select an existing Chat/DM, then surely the migration tool could easily be updated to also detect existing Chats/DM.
Alistair Wilson
Jackson James - ah yes, I see - exactly!
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Chat History Import
Philipp Berner
The ability to import Chat History from existing Chat services to be able to search and reply to messages that were created prior using ClickUp Chat.
under review
Jackson James
On your end do you not see the option to import as new chats? Thank you for reporting this.
Jackson James
Hi Zach and Brendan.
What I mean is that it doesn't import into the native (existing but empty) Chat sidebar (see attached screenshot).
Currently, the import tool imports Slack channels into a separate list as a weird "View".
This makes Chats a management nightmare.
Team members intuitively go to the native Chat sidebar (as they should) for conversations regarding spaces/folders/lists.
So, now, we have to tell team members, "Oh, remember, that Chat isn't in the native Chat sidebar, you need to go to weird "View" at the top." It means there's no consistency with where Chats are located, making it common for team members to get lost and give up when trying to find the right Chat.
Slack Import needs to import into the existing native Chats, not as confusing "Views" which is messy and makes team members get lost.
Alternatively, give us the ability to merge these imported Slack channels into the existing Chat sidebars.
Do this and I'll migrate our whole team from Slack immediately.
So will thousands of other teams.
Jackson James
Hi Zach, any comments regarding this screenshot would be greatly appreciated.
Wes Hagarman
This needs revisited so you can import into an already existing Chat, not just create a new one - I would imagine it would shuffle those messages in based on time even if there is an overlap
Jackson James
Wes Hagarman exactly