Add ability to find Personal Space via API
Aaron Johnson
Today if I ask for a list of spaces for a given user in a given workspace, ie: api/v2/team/{team_id}/space, I get back the list of spaces... but NOT the user's Personal List, which is a space... I can look it up directly if I have the ID of that personal space, but it's not included in the list of spaces.
It'd be really helpful for us over at Reclaim as we have users asking for us to enable task syncing via their personal space, but it's impossible right now for us to reliably discover and identify that space.
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The user doesn't have access to the "Personal Space" Space itself. That is a system Space which contains all users' personal Lists, and each List is only shared with the respective user. You would need to use the user's credentials and retrieve Lists (not Spaces) to find that user's private List.
Seth Goldin
Would definitely be a useful feature for me. Love ClickUp and love, which relies on this API.