Chrome extension v3
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Vincent D'Amico
Sigurd Seteklev any update? I know this is a big one so many are waiting for!
Adrian Arama
Not sure if this was mentioned or not but it would be very helpful to be able to add custom fields on the extension fields so that you can add in just a few clicks the most relevant info you need on your tasks.
For example I use a custome field for customer and would be nice to be able to assign a task from the extension. of course, when the extension is working...I think we have all experiencing issues with this chrome extension.
Nicola Graves
I have also found that it just does not work on the Chrome Browser
Jan Dvořák
The most ridiculous fact for me is that while the Outlook addin does work for me perfectly, the Chrome extension is in Gmail completely useless...
Paula Smith
As noted below. The most important change we need with the ClickUp Chrome extension is for it to work consistently. I too have uninstalled it and reinstalled it so many times that I don't even want to use it anymore. I have several other app integrations that never disappear and always work as expected. I don't understand why ClickUps fails or disappears so often.
Annalee Shelton
Plus one to Carmen's request, "It would be ideal to be able to edit a task in it's entirety when using the Chrome extension"
Rens Pols
Please also release a Firefox extension
When linking an email to a task, make an option for it to go to the relationship area.
Grace Edwards
PLEASE add a priority option when you are creating a new task in GMAIL
Natalie Williams
I'm just really hoping for one that's reliable. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the extension so much this year it's almost to the point where it's more of a time suck than time saver.
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