Workload view v2
in progress
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Tamlyn Koga
in progress
Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback to date! Here with an update from the Product Manager, Vasil regarding Workload 2.0!
We're excited to announce several upcoming improvements to the workload view including:
- Longer Timescale
- Infinite horizontal scroll
- Updated design
- Improved workload capacity visualization + weekly and monthly capacity
- Zoom out to Weeks and Months to see the big picture and longer plans
- Enhanced task creation + finding tasks
- Performance Optimizations
This feature is currently "In Progress" and we are looking for a handful of beta testers to get early access and provide feedback this month.
If interested, please sign up at [Beta Closed on 2/3/25 - Preparing for GA Roll-out.]
Thank you and we'll be in touch!
Marissa Aymar
It would be incredibly helpful to see a view that only includes the future workload where a calculated field of time remaining (estimated time less time tracked) is displayed over the timeline that is left. That would help actually project the capacity/workload that is left.
Marko Knežević
hi, when can we expect rollout for Workload view 2.0?
Lukas Moser
i don't like that if not grouped by assignee all the color (green/red; availability) is not shown. While I understand that the max work hours per week is tied to a person, it would still be good to have some indication right away. Most needed when grouping by team
Witold Dębski
hopefully we can finally plan by FTE instead of amount of hours divided by task duration
Josh Sorenson (VP of Systems)
Anyone else having massive amounts of people just showing 0h this morning?
Francesca Angemi
Make Workload view visible to Guests
Daniel Schlichter
Workload vue needs to take into account hours that have been tracked.
Say your task has estimated 10h.
you plan it from monday to friday but only do 2h in 4 days.
You should have 8h workload show up on the next day, friday. since you still have 8 hours to allocate.
As of now it is spread out through all the planned timed rather than the time left to complete the task which makes no sense at all.
Another important feature is to be able to split workload by % for assignees.
Say we have 100h to complete a task and there are 2 people. but we know 70% of the work will be one person and 30% the other.
This is also critical for proper planning.
Øyvind Førstøyl
We need built-in view that displays workload or capacity graphically beyond the assignee level for extended periods like a month, quarter, or year. And export possibilties.
Ryan Breen
I'd like to be able to set my date range in addition to the presets (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).
Justine McKenna
Hi! I am a ClickUp product consultant and often get asked if the workload view can report on time remaining (time estimate - time tracked)
For example if a task has a 10 hour estimate over 5 days (thats 2 hours per day). If 4 hours was tracked, that means only 6 hours is remaining which means the user has more capacity to do additional tasks.
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