Its a big problem when it comes to schedule a timeslot for a long task like a intervals.
We have several task for a project that takes weeks..
- Lets say i want to work on "Design Program" Task 3 times during the next 2 weeks.
  • ISSUE is, whenever we check our calendar view, its all days task and not able to assign to a certain slot without changing the whole parent task timing.. ( yes we can create sub task for that but that's ridiculously unproductive for every tasks..)
So, in a weekly task scheduling, we need a "work intervals" for each tasks for we can organise our week, and start to work on that long tasks in "Dedicated Slots" (for the people have dedicated slots for client work, personal work, free time etc...
Especially if you are a business owner, you probably need to categorise your week for certain dedicated slots for each task..( see google calendar) - my green and yellow slots are dedicated client work, and we need to work these big tasks under those slots...
So please, find a solution for our calendar view, task organization + scheduling intervals
Thank you.