Currently, we are using folders for projects. What we wanted to achieve was pretty simple. Each folder containing the following lists:
  • Tickets => The planned feature, improvement, sysops ticket, etc to do
  • Bugs => Same as tickets but for bugs as they do not have the same statuses
  • Versions => The versions and their states (deployment status, dates, etc)
  • Epics => Grouped tickets by thematic or 'epic'
  • Helpdesk => A support list with a form that allow people to raise demands
  • Wiki
At the folder level, a dashboard that simplifies and displays only what's needed on daily basis
We have currently two problems that are related to relationships and their level of action. At this time we cannot display or use relationships at the folder level which lead us to:
  • Join tickets and bugs as they cannot have relationships to version with the same custom fields
  • List only the version in the folder level instead of a view of tickets grouped by version like we are in the 'Tickets' list