View attachments as a list & allow tags on attachments
Thomas Huet
It would be super useful to be able to add tags to attachments, and to be able to view attachments independently of the tasks to which they are attached (making file/document management easier).
Our use case is when spaces are for an instance of a project or event that is repeatable (e.g. annual conference). Managing attachments by task means they disappear from easy view as tasks are completed. If we can see them all in one place with tags, it's easier to find key documents from year to year (or even within a year for that matter).
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Wim Delfs
Is there another update on this?I There are several requests: a file manager, a files-view and being able to add tags....
Elizabeth Hunter
I would find this super helpful. Attachments are really hard to find in Clickup currently. I'd honestly just love an 'Attachments' view or at least filter on tasks/ activity
Melanie von Schorlemer
Yes, this would be very useful.
Lauren Kosowan
Yes! I am searching for a way to view all uploaded files, PDF'ones, Excel Sheets, Photoshop files etc in once place and be able to filter by project. Tags would also be great to further filter the contents. It is cumbersome to upload the same document multiple times and my team is confused about where to find their files easily.
Dimitar Pouchnikov
furthermore, in my use case there can be challenges where the same attachment may be needed in multiple tasks. Instead of re-uploading the attachment each time on a separate task, the attachments should indeed be independent with the ability to link them wherever needed - a task, or multiple ones, a doc, or a whiteboard. It seems that the whole files system may need to be reworked a little for this to work
Dimitar Pouchnikov
yes it would be very useful to have a place where all attachments can be viewed and filtered
Karl Purugganan
It would also be helpful to have thumbnails on our video attachments
Maria Peagler
And have the ability to reuse those attachments in other tasks. Doesn't make sense to have to re-upload images already in CU. Thanks!
Eric Wightman
Merged in a post:
gellary view
I need image references inventory like Notion's gellary view.
Ron Barry
Not only view attachments but ability to have notes (which can be searchable ) like gdrive -
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