Use email received as a trigger for an automation
Damon Ryan
From Support Ticket: I can't automate status change or anything based on email thread (eg WHEN New Email received THEN change status)
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Hey everyone,
I want to be candid about the progress here. We're going to pause on this as we work on other email improvements. Once we're happy with the state of our email feature, we'll be more than happy to revisit this and get it shipped.
I'm keeping as planned because it's still a priority for us to do.
Thank you for understanding.
Matt Schwartz
Any update on this one Zach?
Louis Baguio
Hello Zach, it's been a year since the update of this feature request. Can we know more about this feature update, as it helps our clients approve some tasks via email response? We hope to have an update on this feature.
Jaden Barton
Man such an easy feature to add, the activity log updates, why it can't be a trigger? who knows...this was one of my main reasons for switching to clickup
Mitch Collier
Hey all,
Did we get any further information on this?
Alex RC
When is it planned for? It's going to be a year ago and we have no news
David Oh
Why delay this? It's such an easy feature compared to a fullblown email client. We just need a way to reopen tickets if someone responds to one that is in a done or closed state, so that we don't miss client responses.
We can also use it to switch from a WAITING to a REPOENED status if we're pinging the client, waiting on something. I think we can automate the pinging emails, but we desperately need the trigger on emails to complete the process.
Rachel Vale
This feature would be incredibly valuable to our workflow. Currently we have to spend an excessive amount of time opening closed tickets to see if a use replied via email.
Joana Pereira
we need asap, the workarounds do not work PARTICULARLY when clickup fails to send the email.
Shane Parker
Any updates on when you plan to resume this feature, Zach?
Vincent Brès
Still need this asap !
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