Undo actions at any time with Ctrl + Z
It seems that the opportunity to undo the previous action is only available briefly, while the "undo" pop-up is visible. It would be helpful to be able to undo previous actions using some on-screen button. Users may also be accustomed to using Ctrl + Z to undo previous actions.
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Brendan W
Hey everyone!
Just an update here to keep you all in the loop.
We're continuing to add support for undo as we continue to ship improvements to the product. We recently added the ability to undo actions taken on Inbox, and in addition to that you can also redo/undo actions taken on Whiteboards. We've still got a lot of work here ahead of us, but here's where we need your input!
Please complete this brief survey to share which product areas and actions you want an undo action for.
We'd love to hear from you about where undo capabilities would be most useful!
Alissa McCaw
I'm surprised this isn't a native feature. If I accidentally delete something, I have to go hunting for the trash can to retrieve it. Also unable to undo/re-do any actions.
Hello, I have just acquired the tool, I am a beginner but I am 35 in IT and programs, obviously I was surprised that this command was not native: -/ in Clickup Let's hope that this is corrected quickly, I have already made a few mistakes with no possible return.
Devin Shea
just adding another 2 cents, this is definitely a big win
Anton Kiebler
I just filled out a form and accidentally copied something incorrectly and replaced the entire content of the description. Unfortunately I can't go back anymore and therefore have to rewrite everything including screenshots, etc. That's a whole lot of work... I'm really annoyed that it doesn't work.
Martin Currie
We really need infinite undo & redo like almost all desktop apps since the mid 1990s. But it’s not the lack of a real desktop app that makes this impossible for ClickUp, ChatGPT says:
Several modern web applications support infinite undo, often limited only by system memory or session history. Here are some notable examples:
Productivity & Note-Taking
- Google Docs, Sheets, Slides – Retains undo history for the session (refresh clears it).
- Notion – Supports deep undo, but history can be lost after closing the page.
- Evernote Web – Multi-level undo within an editing session.
Design & Creative Tools
- Figma – Has infinite undo within an active file, persisting even across sessions.
- Canva – Supports multi-level undo, but history resets when the file is closed.
- Adobe Express (formerly Spark) – Multi-level undo, but not always infinite.
Code Editors & Development
- Replit – Provides deep undo while coding.
- JSFiddle / CodePen – Supports undo within an active session.
- VS Code (Web) – Infinite undo, like its desktop counterpart.
Whiteboarding & Collaboration
- Miro – Infinite undo during a session.
- MURAL – Supports deep undo within an editing session.
Spreadsheet & Database Apps
- Airtable – Supports undo for recent changes.
- Coda – Offers multi-level undo.
Most web apps reset undo history upon refresh or closing the tab, unlike desktop applications that can maintain history for longer periods. Figma and Miro are exceptions, as they retain history across sessions.
Alex Nascimento
It’s important thing.
Natasha James
The amount of times in a day where i accidently back space text in a custom field, and there is no ctrl/cmd + z to undo option drives me nuts. The smallest of things, even just to retype a sentence and realise you've done so in the wrong place, and you cannot simply undo the text and at that point you can't remember what the original text was. Back to square one and have to retype everything from scratch - lacking effieincy which is the whole purpose of choosing clickup. Deleting and removing tasks / comments / etc with the pop undo is just fine... just add CTRL/CMD + Z across the entirety of the program !
Just checked the road map... Nothing about this feature in progress or planned. Yet it has the highest up votes of 8000+ votes. In progress and planned, the highest upvotes feature is a mere 3.4k yet its still prioritized over this ?
Alex Nascimento
Please! Do it…
Anthony Lemay
ctrl+Z and shift+ctrl+Y / cmd+z+ and shift+cmd+y . undo / redo!
Kielsey Avalo
Chiming in here as well that I am so hopeful this feature is better incorporated across Click Up in 2025. As many others have noted, it seems incredibly archaic that this basic function is not already existent. If you're not careful, all the time saved by Click Up's efficiencies are thrown away due to the lack of an undo!
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