Turn on/off: Quotes on notifications page
Jackie Maslyn
I suggest to add an option to turn on/off the quotes that appear when all notifications are cleared. That way everyone is guaranteed to have a setting such that they are positively incentivized to clear their notifications.
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Brendan W
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Please reconsider sources for your motivational quotes
Adam Hodowany
Winston Churchill is a known war criminal and not the authority some people might want to see in their project management tool.
Brendan W
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opt out of quotes
Cassie Irwin
Would love to opt out of the quotes that appear on a cleared notification view. I find some of the people and quotes included questionable.
Brendan W
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Get rid of the Ayn Rand quotes
Robin Friend Stift
When I cleared my notifications today I got shown an Ayn Rand quote. Seriously? Of all the people you could quote and you quote Ayn Rand!?! If those are the best quotes you can come up with just get rid of the quotes altogether.
Li Ahouangnimon
Brendan W
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Allow disabling stupid quotes appearing on my empty notifications screen
Dustin Summy
I appreciate that some people enjoy these quotes. I am one of the people who it enrages and who is depressed by the quotes. Please let me turn them off. I wouldn't mind if I could put a happy picture of a dog or something, just as long as Dolly Parton doesn't offer me her unsolicited wisdom at the moment I have just reached zen.
Brendan W
We've added a setting so you can control the quotes that display when clearing your Notifications or switch between Workspaces!
You can find it in My Settings, with the ability to enable or disable the quotes!
Jesse Lord
Brendan W: Great (though small) quality of life update for my team. Thanks for listening!
Brendan W
Jesse Lord: Glad you like it! Thank you for using ClickUp!
Ryan Spilhaus
Sick of seeing Ayn Rand and Elon Musk whenever I clear notifications...
Jesse Lord
Yeah, definitely would prefer the option to leave the motivational quotes off or upload our own or something. Not really getting any good vibes from the team when they see them.
Brendan W
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ability to allow the quotes to stay up a bit longer, allowing the user to view 5 seconds or so
Brendan W
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Ability to change quotes in notifications
Serhii Kovchenko
Add the ability to upload own list of quotes (as a csv file, for example) to display them on the Notifications page.
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