Too Many Clicks in Clickup 3.0 Task View and Inbox - post hidden/locked?

Ross McConeghy
There were promises about revisions to the tabbed task view in this post, there was even a mock-up of the revised design, but it has since been hidden or locked.
Why was this feedback hidden? Have you decided not to make the changes to fix the horrendous tabbed Task View and Inbox? What is the status of these promised changes?
In February Ivan Villa promised the redesign would be implemented BEFORE the forced downgrade from v2.0 to v3.0, weeks later there was a mockup and comments as if it would be implemented soon, we're now approaching May and the tabs are still there in the Inbox and Task View.
What is going on with this?
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Ivan Villa Is this user setting not better placed at user settings instead of building configuration in all drop downs all over the place?
One of the main comments I get is that people find it very cluttered, with 3 ways of doing stuff, but also building up one off configs in places that should not take this place.
PS: I do like this change, I didn't like the tabs that much. However, I still think there could be three tabs ánd scrolling, just like you can jump to titles on a page.
E.g. Tab1, Tab2, and Tab3 and they link to task#tab1 task#tab2 and task#tab3. I think there could be a unified design without sttings.

Hendrik Mo
Actually you can jump to the section.
Besides the "Me"-Filter on the right side there are icons for subtasks, checklists, attachments (if there are any).
Clicking on the icon takes you to the respective section.
Pretty elegant I think.

Hendrik Mo Ahh! Didn't spot them yet. Subtle, but they indeed do the trick.
Point remains that settings should move to user level in my opinion, to remove the overall settings and options overload. But that is maybe something for another thread.

Ivan Villa
toggle is now live in production :)

Ivan Villa
Hey Ross, Rolling out with this weeks release. You will see this switch in the settings where you can toggle it off.

Ross McConeghy
Ivan Villa Thank you for responding, that looks like a task-specific toggle. Is there a way to set this as a global default?

Ivan Villa
Ross McConeghy: It's actually configured at the user level, so once you set it, it applies to all your tasks.