Time Tracking Dashboard - Time Sheet Chronological Visualization
Adam Graves
It would be helpful to visualize the time sheets in the form of a timeline to more visually see what task was performed when. Sort of like the chronological day view of a calendar except for time tracking of tasks that were actually performed.
Time management features have been helpful so far. Unless I am reading the time sheet in the time tracking dashboard incorrectly, individual time entries are separated by the task they are from. So while tasks show how long they have been worked, they avoid showing when they were worked.
A chronological visualization may be useful for noticing patterns in how time is spent and at what time of day. This could give insights to when challenging tasks are best performed and when tasks such as maintenance are more useful to do. This involves the circadian rhythm.
The improvements to ClickUp are exciting so see, so 'keep up the good work'.
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Julian Pustkuchen
I guess this should be something like "Time Tracking Manager" to use the ClickUp terms.
You should get a birds-eye view cockpit of the time tracking in your workspace with flexible abilities to
- Bulk manage time tracked (Review, edit values, set billable, set billed, ...)
- Export tracked times
- Filter, Group, ... (which is also super important for bulk editing and exports)
So Time Tracking should have its own "Manager" page like Docs, Dashboards, Whiteboards, ...
Totally makes sense for e.g. Agencies tracking all there projects with ClickUp for Billing!
Alex Gallagher
Yes, I need this feature too.
Currently, I can see a block of time for each task even if that block is made up of multiple different timesheet entires. I need to be able to see a chronological breakdown for each day and staff member.
Sven Reulen
We just switched from Toggl to Clickup and this is one of the standard visuals I really miss. For both reporting and logging hours.
Luke Flegg
This is the feature I miss most from Wrike. In 2023, more orgs than every are moving towards more self-management and collaborative ways of working - it's SO powerful in so many different teams to be able to quickly see what others have been working on recently. In my current and previous orgs, time log comments have kept us on the same page.
In more hierarchical orgs, they're of course also invaluable for seniors to check what people have actually been doing and how long it took.
This is also a great way to reflect on what has taken more or less time than expected, for continuous improvement.
Really, really hope Clickup can catch up with this feature I've loved and used every day in Wrike the last 6+ years.
Attached: Wrike time logs (look how quickly you get up to speed on what's been happening) vs Clickup (you can only read the first 4 words of the time log comments and the layout is generally hideous)
Danielle Rossi
View as a graphic calendar so we can see how much of the day has tasks tracked would be so helpful.
Amanda Mungal
Fully agree - this may actually be a deal breaker for us. :( It never occurred to me to look to see if this was possible before making the switch and it's causing significant issues.
Luke Flegg
Amanda Mungal: Man. 2 years later and we still don't have this. What did you switch away from and did you stick with Clickup?
Maarten Berkhout
Fully agree. It is vital to be able to check the tracked time as to ensure full coverage of each day at the end of that day.
John Scruton
Totally agree. Recently submitted this, "Hi there, I have been using your time tracking features in Click Up to get a better sense of how I have been using my time. I wanted to know if there is a way of seeing when I spend time on those things, if there was a view, based on the hours in the day that could show that I worked on X from 4-5:15pm and that I didn't work on anything from 1400 to 1420 because I was taking a break. If the feature exists, please point me to it! If it does not, perhaps it could be added? Thank you!"
Julie Butrymowicz
I 100% second this! I keep track of my own time logging chronologically each day to make sure I haven't forgotten to log anything, and this would be incredibly helpful in the Time Sheet widget.