Teams Hub
in progress
Tamlyn Koga
Hey ClickUp Community! - This is Tamlyn & Vasil from Product! We're excited to announce our upcoming feature - Teams Hub that is currently available via beta (early access).
Teams Hub allows you to have a dedicated landing page to drive better visibility and management of your Teams.
Overview Includes:
- Welcome - Intro to your Team
- Bookmarks - SOPs, FAQs, Heavily Used Documentation from 3rd Party Tools
- Feed - Activity Feed for what the team is working on
- Locations - What ClickUp Locations the team works out of
With Dedicated Tabs for:
- Analytics
- Priorities
- Feed
- Team & People
Interested? Sign up for early access to Teams Hub MVP:
** We'll use this thread to collect feedback and hear what you'd like to see next, thanks!
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Tamlyn Koga
We have enabled 60+ Workspaces on the Team Hubs Beta, if you were part of this initial batch you should have received an email from me yesterday with documentation.
If you missed out, we will enabled a 2nd batch of Beta Workspaces on Tuesday, February 11th. Thank you everyone for your interest and keep the feedback coming.
Daniel Urbano
Hi Tamlyn Koga, could I be added to Teams Hub Beta? I summited 3 Forms for different Workspaces. Thank you very much!
Tamlyn Koga
Daniel Urbano: You will be included in the next batch, emails just went out with the beta info. Thanks!
Daniel Urbano
Tamlyn Koga Thank you very much Tamlyn!
I don’t love that we are now introducing new terminology in “priorities” vs using “lineup”. This is confusing. We need consistent naming convention across ClickUp here.
My recommendation. Change “lineup” terms to “priorities” across ClickUp since priorities is a wider used term in all businesses.
Also, we should bring in goals. Sick a crucial aspect that is getting left behind in ClickUp. Teams is a great place to bring back into the fold.
Conor Walsh
Tamlyn Koga i've lost access to the "Teams" option. It's disappeared from my menu sidebar.
Tamlyn Koga
Conor Walsh: Hey Conor! I had eng check and your WS should still have access to the beta. Could you please confirm what layout you are using, if this is still an issue. Thanks!
Rose Akoko
I can't click on 'teams'. When I click on it, it doesn't do anything!
Hillary Felicidade
I just tested today! To be honest, it's hard to think about situations I could use Teams on my daily basis, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Here's some points:
- I really don't get the bars and Priority. It put as teams priorities stuff they did it in 2023 and it was already done. There's a why to setup this manually?
- Do you guys recommends to have a team only for leaders / managers?
- I loved the feed idea and priorization! I'd love to give more space to put docs. Usually, the description gets cut and it can't be read.
- It'd be lovely to create goals or kpis and have a exclusive space for it. It's be possible to keep an eye in importants perforamance kpi from teams and individuals as well, like time only vs. avarage or goal. Tasks done on time vs. overdue. Tasks overdue. If this person if overworked (and easily drop and drag to pass to another person).
Anyway, it's a great improvement and I'm already in love with it!
- Also, my team doesn't track time, but we use estimated time a lot. Could be possible to see how much "estimated time" each team/person have?
- Could we customize the table from people? I'd like to add a "Birthday" and if possible even a formula to say when it's a teammate birthday
- Again, the bars. What should appear here (screenshot below)?
Taylor Huffman
Like others, I love the idea of Teams. There are a few bugs or tweaks which if addressed could make Teams more powerful. Tamlyn Koga
- Not showing any activity in Analytics for any users. Like JT, I'm able to see that people were online but in their individual cards, no activity or online activity is showing
- Priorities seem quite random - When I added myself to a team, it assigned me a very random task from a random list - what criteria is it using to set my priorities for me? It would be great to sync these priorities perhaps to Goals.
- I don't have the ability to Add Cards, which would be great for including bookmarks or links to team Wikis/Docs, or even dashboard elements like workload/upcoming tasks
Taylor Huffman 100% agree on the cards.
Also, didn’t get a chance to check yet, but can we assign priorities to our teams lineup card based on tasking ability or manager ability. Been wanting the ability to assign priorities to my teams lineup cards
Tamlyn Koga
Hey Taylor Huffman & JT - Thank you for the feedback! Regarding the analytics bug, our team is aware and has a task to address it accordingly.
Bug in my Teams Analytics. Not showing any activity
Evripides Gavriel
Hey Tamlyn Koga!
Some feedback:
Overall: Love the idea behind it altho I'd, I love the idea behind it, though love to see it a bit more integrated with things such as capacity and workload.
The description section of a team is a bit bugged. I'm typing and the text disappears or changes.
Breadcrumbs is a must feature. Would love to see from what backlogs the tasks are.
Tamlyn Koga
Evripides Gavriel - Thank you for the feedback. We plan to include a Workload tab in a future iteration of Team Hubs. We are currently finalizing updates to Workload 2.0 before adding it.
We are aware of the description issue and will work on addressing it prior to release.
Tamlyn Koga
in progress
Tamlyn Koga
We have enabled 60+ Workspaces on the Team Hubs Beta, if you were part of this initial batch you should have received an email from me yesterday with documentation.
If you missed out, we will enabled a 2nd batch of Beta Workspaces on Tuesday, February 11th. Thank you everyone for your interest and keep the feedback coming.
Evripides Gavriel
Hey! Tamlyn Koga. Any chance we could still jump on this one?
Tamlyn Koga
Evripides Gavriel - We will enable the next batch of beta testers early next week for Team Hubs. You will receive an email and beta guide in advance. Thanks!
Marco Bernasocchi
Tamlyn Koga I had applied but no email arrived :/
would be super eager to test this as we're right in the middle of starting to have teams in the company
Tamlyn Koga
Marco Bernasocchi - Hey Marco! Emails just went out for the next batch of beta testers that will be enabled by 3/13. Thanks!
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