Task Types By Space or Private Task Types
At the moment, task types are Workspace-wide. However, different teams have different needs as far as task types, which is why Space-level or private options would be optimal.
For example, an HR team wouldn't rely on the same task types as an IT team. Each department may have sensitive information in their workflows (represented by a task type) that they don't want other teams to have visibility on.
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Ivan Villa
Anton Kiebler
I currently only have tasks and milestones as task types, although we have some agile projects that actually need the agile types. However, I don't want to switch them on, because otherwise the whole workspace will have a large selection of different types and this will only confuse most people. I am looking forward to this feature which will solve this problem
Katie Desjardin
I'm interested in testing task types but I don't want them visible to all users as soon as I enable one. I'd be interested in piloting it in one team and then expanding if successful. At that point, some task types (i.e. "bugs") would not be applicable to marketing teams for example. I don't want to have a 5-10 option list for task type across the workspace and result in user error. Can you update when this is expected?
Daniel Takyi
Hi Ivan Villa Is it possible to also add in the possibility to hide certain task types from board view (i guess if the task type scope is able to set to lists or folders this will not be a problem) as when currently grouping (swimlanes) by task type in board view you got all the different types of task types even when they may have nothing to do with that particular list
Daniel Urbano
Hi, Ivan Villa.
Hope everything is going well. Do we have any update or ETA for this?
Also, I wanted to check if you're considering the possibility of sharing private task types with teams or roles?
For example, having one list with 2 task types, where both are shared with developer team members and just one of them needs to be shared with guest users (client).
Celant Corinne
Hi! Any update?
Daniel Urbano
Also, are you considering here regular/custom fields per task type?
Daniel Urbano
Hi guys,
I wanted to ask for any updates in this regards.
Are you working on allowing guests to either see or not each task type?
So, only showing guests tasks from a list just for certain task types shared with them.
Vincent D'Amico
Daniel Urbano i cant say 100% but recently at some point during this weeks meeting that was on youtube. I think they mentioned something about task type by access level isnt something that will be as soon as this. But I think down the line they could consider going this route. 3/5/24
Daniel Urbano
Vincent D'Amico I saw that too! But I went back to ClickUp and it's still not available...
What is the mission of level one? if I correctly answered the word “ taylor swift 2048 ” and earned one green and two yellow boxes.
Vincent D'Amico
Thank you Ivan Villa this is great news!
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