TASK 3.0 Relationships should show the related Task Name, not just that there's a linked Relationship.
Kevin Hennessy
When a Task is linked, or a Custom Relationship is added, the Task name should be visible.
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Ivan Villa
Austin Hodges
Boy oh boy have I had an absolute nightmare of a time with clickups new related task view and relationships all together. It's been hell.
This seriously needs to be revamped and repaired as there is just SO many different issues.
First and foremost, these are the things I would love to see in terms of relationships:
- Show related tasks, names etc on the main details page. Breadcrumbs, anything to show the name of a task is related to the task I'm looking at.
- If kept as chips at the top of the screen, then the ability to choose which related tasks are shown, or show all by default
- Be able to use relationships in automations.
- Show roll-up fields in the details page.
- Use relationships in forms
Try to find out how to show the relationships/dependencies on the task card where they were in 2.0
Seems like now only the unresolved ones appear.
In 2.0 they would all display, all the time, in red, yellow, or green. Now I can't easily just click a green one to view it - they don't show. I have to click into that convoluted "blocking" or "waiting" button on the right.
Natalie Williams
Joel and you can't view ALL relationships at one time, you've got to tab through them individually. And they don't have breadcrumbs, so you can't be sure it's linked to the right task without opening it. So much inefficiency with realationshis in 3.0.
Matt Seng
The main issue I was having at least appears to have been fixed sometime in January. The Relationships block (and presumably any other additional blocks beyond the 4 that fit in the screen width) can now spill over into a new line, and clicking the number of tasks opens the Relationships sidebar, where you can view the full list of relationships.
However it's still not possible to create a "Link" relationship from the 3-dot menu, only a "Dependency" relationship.
Matt Seng
Currently in 3.0 I can't even see that there ARE any linked tasks, unless there's no priority set.
On a pair of linked tasks, on one task with no priority set the relationships shows up under the task title.
On the other task, which has a priority set, that bar of 4 statistics is already "full" so the relationships are not even listed, and I see no way to get to them at all. This is really bad because by all accounts, it looks like there are no tasks linked when that is not true.
I'm not seeing any sidebar with relationships like others have posted about. The only items I have in the task sidebar are activity (with comments, etc.), a Zoom icon link, and a plus icon (which incidentally, is now the only way I can add links, because "Link" is not a relationship listed under the actual "Relationships" menu in the 3-dot dropdown).
What da heck?
Natalie Williams
Further with them showing where the activites section is you have to click to open Blocked or Waiting On or Relationship individually. That adds so much inefficiency vs being able to scroll to see ALL relationships in one section.
Aaron Wagner
Natalie Williams I came to the feature request section to ask Clickup to address this specifically.
Natalie Williams
Aaron Wagner here's hoping relationships get prioritized because currently they are so darn inefficient. You can't set multiple relationships at once (which you could do in 2.0), you can't view them all at once, and when you are viewing them you don't see breadcrumbs, so without opening you can't be sure that you've got the right task linked.
Ryan P. Keane
Yes, moving relationships to a small section in the corner and a clickout sidebar completely destroys how we've been using them. We have our Tasks set to be all different types of things (Accounts, Contacts, Equipment, Service Visits, Order Details, etc.). With 2.0 relationships, right on the main task page we can clearly see what it's related to and how. For example, we would click into an Order task and right there see the Account, Contact, Equipment, and Upcoming Service visit, all with relevant information right there and clickable and accessible, and while still being able to see the Activity/Comments.
Now in 3.0 it's a rough back and forth between everything. I understand there may be some tech savvy stuff behind it, but when working with less tech savvy people who use ClickUp basically, not having the ability to see everything at once will cause issues.
I saw mention of working on the ability to customize the task pane, and if that's the case, I am all for it. If we can make the task show what we want it to and where, this solves all issues.
Side note that I am also here for the naming part of it as now all relationships are named the same and it's already causing discourse at work.
Alessandro Dall'Asta
I would like to add other important points:
- the new "related" button on the right of the page, is only visible if there are already related task. So the first linked task,you need to use the "+" button which opens a generic menu with many other items not related to tasks,..
- in 2.0 I have more space for the columns (in 3.0 I can't widen too much to the right otherwise I don't see the info on the task)
- in 2.0 I can resize the width of the columns, based on the content, in 3.0 I can't.
- in 2.0 I can move the columns left and right in the grid wherever I want, in 3.0 I can't.
With 3.0, a further click is also required to see the previously visible task links immediately
I hope that these interface choices will be revised, for these changes.
Wouldn't it have been better to leave the "relationships" view on the left (adding a new link to the bar on the left side?)
Destiny Pidgeon
Related to this, I have found that if you have a custom relationship section built to connect to tasks in a specific list that the name of the relationship is the same on both sides, which doesn't make sense.
Previously the name of the relationship on either side would reflect the list the relationship is with. So it clearly identified what type of information you are looking at. Now both sides of the relationship is labeled the same thing.
Austin Hodges
Destiny Pidgeon: This! and it refuses to let you change the name. Super annoying.
For clickup, on some relationship fields it links the same name in both locations and when trying to change the name on the linked list, it results in this error.
Stephanie Zang
Just got switched over to Task 3.0 and lost visibility of the Relationships. We need to be able to see at least the Task Name (and preferably other fields, like how Airtable does) on the front page. This is vital to assigning our inventory to specific locations. Now we have to go and click into multiple layers of UI to find these details. Switching back to Task 2.0 until this is fixed.
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