Swimlanes Beta Feedback
Didier Varlot
Hello!! We have launched a Beta test for Swimlanes and would love to get your feedback.
If you would like to opt-in to the beta, please respond on the original Swimlanes post here: https://clickup.canny.io/feature-requests/p/swimlanes-on-board-view and we'll get you added within 24-48 business hours.
Please add a comment with your feedback. Thank you!!
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Josh York
Please add Collapse Empty Swimlanes functionality
Ben Porter
You cannot set empty swimlanes to collapse like you can for group columns.
You also cannot save the configuration of collapsed swimlanes like you can with list groups.
This seems like a great idea but I haven't been able to try it since it makes the page unresponsive and forces me to close the tab every time I activate it.
I'm really interested in trying this out once it works in Chrome!
Mohammad Al Khatib
hello - is it me or i cannot find the swimlanes option?
Luci N.
Hey, everyone! We are thrilled to share that Swimlanes are live for everyone in ClickUp! Please our Swimlanes in Board view help documentation to learn more about this feature.
We really appreciate your feedback on this feature!
As always, please let us know what we can improve by voting and commenting on existing posts, or creating a new Feature Request when needed!
Aviram Birenbaum
I want to group by task and to see the sub-tasks under each tasks in its lane, similar to what we had in Jira scrumboard. I enabled the swimlanes, but didn't understand how to do it
Didier Varlot
We are now close to the release of swimlanes. It will happen within the next days.
I want to thank you for all your feedback. This was helpful to get the swimlanes.
Here is a screenshot of the feature as it will be released, integrating already a part of your comments.
We are looking forward for your feedback after release to support the continuous improvement of the feature.
Thank you.
Brian van Rooijen
Thanks for letting us review the swim lanes, we have been waiting for this feature for a long time.
With some manual work we already got to a more productive setup so thank you for that. That said it would be even greater to be able to split the swim lanes on data we already have.
- As we use relations to be able to group tasks it would be great to be able to split the swim lanes for tasks based on a specific relation.
- Currently we do not use subtasks but if it would be possible to split swimlanes based on parent task we would definitely use it.
- When using tags to split it becomes a big mess as each unique combination is created as swim lane. I would prefer this to be one swim lane per tag with the tasks that have multiple tags showing up under each tag it has.
Linley Rall
Hey thanks for getting my team testing this.
• I found the feature first time around - it was exactly where I first looked.
• If you're scrolling up/down between the groups, and the top group/lane has a column with lots of tasks in it (it's long), the loading of each page/batch of tasks makes it almost impossible to arrive at the 2nd group/lane.
_Suggestion: have the columns not auto-load the next 'page' - rather to have a button to 'load more' cards. This will allow getting to the next group more easily. Or having a fixed height for each lane with a scroll bar.
_ PS: I know that there is an option to collapse the lane but sometimes you just want to get that quick overview of everything.
• Groups/lanes that are empty showing up. This which makes finding the groups/lanes that do have tasks a mission.
_Suggestion: option to hide empty groups/lanes, or put all the empty ones at the bottom.
• When lanes are turned on, the board loads pretty slowly (it takes some time for the custom fields on the cards to show). And the page can freeze/become unresponsive when scrolling left and right.
• I was happy that I could group lanes by my custom fields :)
David Haddad
We do Not have the ClickUp app "Priorities" enabled for any Spaces, as we use a custom field to track priorities that better reflects our internal processes. However there is still an option to group swimlanes by priorities, which I don't believe should show up as an option when they are not enabled. I would hope that by release that option does not show up if they are not enabled.
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