Status on tasks in board view changed | Show status on left border
Mads Albertsen
I see that you have made a lot of nice changes to the tasks/cards in board. Very nice that I can sellect the fields I want to show on the front of the card. How ever you have removed the nice featyre that the left boarder of the card was colored by taskstatus and that you could click it and change status. A very easy way to to it and takning no space on the front of the card. Now I have to show fields and then the status takes up a lot of space and removes focus from title. Please reinstate the previous solution for status.
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Andreas Otto
We also liked the status bar on the left-hand side - but it was always too narrow, which is why we widened it with a STYLISH hack. That's why we're very happy with the new, powerful, coloured status field. Sorry, Mads - but if ClickUp does indeed return to the left-hand strip, it should at least be twice as wide.
Michael Van Doorn
Merged in a post:
task status
Darrel O'Neill
Before the update a couple of days ago, tasks in my Board by Date view showed their status by a coloured bar on the left side of each task. One could change the status by clicking that bar. The new update removed the status all together. I managed to get the status back on the tasks by turning that back on in a menu but the status is now indicated by a radio button, instead of the coloured bar. While usable, the status was much more obviously recognised as it was before the update.
In this screenshot, I've circled the current status and drawn in the status bars as they were before. I would prefer to have the status indicated as it was before the update.