Skip Weekends When Scheduling & Rescheduling Tasks
in progress
Tarin Casadonte
Assign a due date based on a number of business days ie be able to click Skip Weekends when automating a due date
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We're exploring how teams manage their work schedules, time off, and related policies to help shape new features in ClickUp. Share your thoughts in the survey below—your feedback is super valuable!
Nora Wildenstein
This issue should be changed as soon as possible! If weekends are counted in days, automations after a certain number of days make little sense, as you often have to convert them manually. Please adjust as soon as possible and count the working week from Mon-Fr.
Kayla Farris
Please, please, PLEASE make this a priority. So many of my clients need the due date automations to be able to skip weekends. Start dates and due dates. So recurring task with a work period of 6 business days that recurs once a month, for example.
Laura Devine
For automations to work for us when reassigning tasks we MUST be able to indicate business days (i.e., skip weekends). It's not helpful at all otherwise.
Zachary Johnson-Burton
Would love to see an update around this. Responded to the poll, would love to see this implemented!
Roberta Murino
Hello everyone, do we have any updates on this? Thank you!
Keara Chambers
Our team appreciate the skip weekends function but was curios if you could provide an option to notify when it falls on a US federal holiday to prompt us to make the change for that specific date(s)
Nicole Salow
Is there any update on this? We're trying to automate as much as possible but we have to manually change dates because the automations don't skip weekends when triggering x amount of days after y happens.
Erika Donovan
Skip weekends with automations as well! Date from trigger is a great option but there is no way to skip weekends
Regina Bellows
Yes, but not just for tasks -- for subtasks, as well.
Steph Mallett
How is this not a feature yet? It seems like something that should have been available from the start, not a years later add on.
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