In the linked tasks list at the top of the task window, linked/blocking/dependent tasks are given a (purple/yellow/red/green) colour to communicate their status in relation to the current task.
This is great.
However, I'd also like to see at a glance the actual status of all those linked/blocking/dependent tasks. You can currently hover over tasks to see more info, but this is too slow so not useful for a quick look.
Showing the status could simply be done by adding the task icon - one of those small coloured squares like is used to denote status to the left of a task in list view.
This is especially useful for linked tasks, because they currently don't have any status in relation to the task they're linked to. They just stay purple.
Bonus points: it also shows you whether a linked task is a task or a milestone, because the icons are different. (also mentioned with a bunch of other milestone functionality here )
One particular use case for this: we add tasks as blockers to milestones. Seeing at a glance where tasks are in the pipeline would be great. The same applies to any task that's related to any other task in some way, however.