Set subtask tab as default
Colin Richardson
In v2, subtasks were always directly accessible from the parent task. In v3 you have to open a sidebar or click the subtasks tab. It would be helpful to allow having "subtasks" as the default tab as we use these extensively and rarely need the details tab.
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Ivan Villa
this was completed back when we defaulted back to show all and made tabs optional
Guy Mannerings
Ivan Villa I am not seeing this.
Mine just shows whatever tab I last had open across all Tasks. I.e., if I had "Details" open on a Task, the next Task will open on Details.
I would like to set Subtasks as Default no matter what I do.
Eric Smith
Another much needed "UX Change" to get ClickUp back to the product we once loved. I assume a lot of the changes in v3 were done to speed up page performance so at least some open conversation regarding why these small changes were implemented would be useful.
Jessica Scotten
Agreed. This is cumbersome and unnecessary - Subtasks are very important to my business, details not so much - subtasks are accessed daily while details only infrequently.
Juri Wulff
Yes please make subtasks shown as default. I spend a lot of time refining subtasks throughout the day, and I find myself clicking on the "Subtasks" button hundreds of times a day. It is tiresome. As a bare minimum I would expect that if I have opened the subtasks, click on a subtask (work on that) and then press back the parent task would remember I had the subtasks list open and have scroll anchoring to a specific item in that list. We some times have +40 subtasks, so it is a lot of clicking and scrolling to get back to enter the next subtask on the parent.
Joe Wilson
This is a very disruptive change, we use subtasks extensively for splitting up larger jobs into manageable chunks. Subtasks are often as if not more important than the parent task. They should be not only visible by default but prominently displayed and easy to navigate through
Subtasks, AND checklists should be possible to show by default. You know... kinda like the good ole' days of 2.0...
Patrick Koulalis
I agree, subtasks are very easy for an assigned user to miss.