set recurring schedule for either user status or muting notifications
Naomi Peters
With the recent addition of being able to manually set a user status and mute notifications (, the next request would be to set a recurring schedule and connect specific times to specific statuses (or toggling mute on or off) automatically.
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Natalie Williams
Yes, I need to be able to set a schedule and ideally be able to customize that at the list level.
Use case: Different clients who get access to me on different days
Client A: M-F 1-6pm
Client B: Tu-Th 1-6pm
Client C: M-F 9am-6pm
I want to be able to set my notifications for each client based on what their access level is. So notifications for each client's list are muted outside their hours.
But, I also want to be able to have notifications on all the time for other lists.