Send Email to ClickUp: Comments, Create Tasks, Reply to notifications
1) Get a unique email address for every task, so you can email in new comments and attach emails to tasks by forwarding or sending emails
2) Get a unique email address for every List, so that you can forward or send an email to that address to create a new task within that list.
3) Reply to notification emails
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Saam Ali
Hi. Does ClickUp have a generic bcc email address so that when you email from Gmail, the email chain will pick up within a contact in ClickUp?
Michael David
great! HOW?
Ondrej Rosik
Is it still possible to reply to notifications? It worked somehow but recently it seems that replyes are not added as comments. I am receiving emails from ClickUp Notifications <>. In the email itself it states that replies to this e-mail will be added as comments. Or makes any difference if task is assigned or shared to me?
How do I know who submitted the email request? I tested creating a new task via email and the task is created successfully, but it does not reference the email address that it came from. I would rather not rely on my clients identifying themselves in the email. Is there a way to see who sent me the email?
Tanner Chung
Any way to also add this functionality to the API so that we can push emails to the correct thread?
Is it possible to get a "global address book" for all the email addresses/tasks? It is quite uncomfortable to the right email address for a task like shown here:
Attach Emails and Add Comments via Email
Alexander Gruber
I just have noticed a weird behaviour when I enter due dates in the subject line. for example, if I forward an email to a list on Thursday and enter the due date Tuesday <due Tue>, the task is created with due date past Tuesday (2 days ago) instead of next Tuesday. But next Tuesday would be much more logical for me...
Jochem Boon
I was super excited that this feature was added, but see that you can only mail from known email addresses. Wil you add the option to also mail to create tasks from unknown email addresses? We want our clients to be able to mail requests so that they are all in one place, but most of our clients don't need access to Clickup and it's boards. Thanks!
Jochem Boon: me too, exactly the same deception for me :(
Brandon Schleeter
Been excited for this integration for some time now - going to allow me to cut out several steps to log proofing. Tried to use on a task today and the reply emails aren't populating into the comments.
Tarun Masani
Brandon Schleeter: Hey there Brandon! Thank you for your report. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with emailing into ClickUp. If you could please provide the email address you're sending from as well as the email address your sending to, that would really help me investigate this issue. :) If you do not want to provide that information here, please send us a message in a live chat or to
Brandon Schleeter
Tarun Masani: Tried again today and it has been working great. May have been a problem on my end. Using this feature like CRAZY and it makes a HUGE difference in my world. Thank you for the reply and for all of the work the ClickUp team is doing to make this an amazing tool
Alexander Gruber
Yeah, finally! This feature saves me so much time in my daily clickup-life!
I'm really looking forward to the implementation of the "tag" and "assign" feature!
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