Send Email from ClickUp with Alias'
Bobby Huang
Current implementation of ClickUp email doesn't allow us to use alias, only the connected accounts (both IMAP or google / outlook etc).
It would be great to send from an Alias like: (to send as this one connected to
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Joan Serra
This needs attention:
Starting March 14th, Google will no longer support Less Secure Apps (LSAs) for authentication. This means signing in to Google via IMAP will no longer be possible, effectively preventing alias configuration in ClickUp.
Proper support for email aliases in ClickUp would be greatly appreciated to ensure continued functionality.
Alaina Frederick
Will these ever be put on the roadmap? This is a vital feature and we should not have to do any work arounds to accomplish it.
Andres V
Is there any news about this.... It's been years and no solution just yet? Still paying for freshdesk simply due to the lack of this feature...
DO NOT ASSIGN Admin (Anthoney)
This feature, as requested by bobby, has been delivered and is working as per the prior posts. I have spent over six hours working on a suitable approach for this and I wanted to reiterate what is mentioned in pieces around this post for anyone else. If you want named emails without having to buy gmail workspaces for each person, you can
a) setup a google group for each person and forward to a central email address. Make sure you allow posting in the group from non-members.
b) setup the alias in that central email address so you can send from the email.
c) turn on the app password or 'allow less secure apps'.
d) configure the clickup email integration to use the alias
And magically you will be able to send emails with each person's name, but they will all pass through the one inbox.
This has been a pain point for us for a long time. Having a solution is a big deal and it is up and working. For us this feature request has been delivered.
Now all we need is clickup to automatically parse the incoming emails to create tasks for emails that are 'new' conversations and to ignore the ones that are responses to prior conversations.
Ciara Ray
DO NOT ASSIGN Admin (Anthoney) does clickup intend to support the new oauth way to handle this? Since LSA are going away this summer?
Anthoney Rimmer
Ciara Ray I don't work for clickup so they will need to reply. Could you link to info about what is going away 'this summer' noting even that term is confusing to me and others as summer has just passed for me?
Renato Carvalho
Yes please, we need this! We use shared inbox for support. The email is an alias.
Philip Matthew
We setup our shared emails as Google Groups, so an alias is the only way we can use them. Please add this feature 🙏
Andrea Boyle
Click up this is a very necessary feature. Is it being considered for the next update as it seems a request for this has been in place for quite some time?
Christina Chong
Our team needs this feature! Sending emails from personal accounts versus team alias emails is not idea.
Nicholas Alonzo
Also would like this feature 😤
Greg Atkins
This seems like a relatively easy feature to add. Any input on if this feature is even on the roadmap ClickUp?
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