Schedule lists in Gantt or timeline view
Yamel Garcia
We use lists to organize each sprint. In agile we can't possibly know yet the entirety of the contents for all future sprints or commit to dates for each task that might be very far in the future yet we need to hand out to our client a work plan for how future months would look like as dev sprints. Since there is the possibility to add start and finish dates to lists it would be very helpful if the Gantt or timeline view could show the expected duration of the lists even if they don't have added tasks yet.
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Ollie Pelling
I am about to implement a new process whereby we have a support team and project team. There will be autonomy within the list for when the tasks take place but these phases/sprints of work will be 2-week blocks. Ideally, I just schedule the list and it appears in the timeline view. If I could assign teams or multiple assignees to a list that would make this perfect.
Charles Mullany
Need this asap!
Yes. I was just trying to see if this was possible. We have projects with many tasks which are self managed by the team. We have project end dates, but we don't micromanage the tasks themselves. If we could have a Gantt showing the list dates it would save so many headaches