Rollup Custom Field values from subtasks to parent task
From support ticket: Would like to have all number custom fields rollup within subtasks to the parent task
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Carl-Fredrik Risbecker
Yes its so confusing when some fields rollup but not the others. Please fix this! :)
Julie Babin
Can we have an estimated completion date on this ?
Tiffany Lam
Please!! so simple.
Grant Naylor
This is possible right now with the API and some webhooks... However, this is a lot to consider when rolling up custom fields. Everyone will not want the same thing. Putting all these options into a UX for a user to understand will be complex as there are potentially a lot of other things that also need to be changed depending on what the Custom Field is used for... see the attached video for a CF / TASK Status Rollup
Belle Niba
Waiting ...
Evandro Araujo
Any news on that? Pretty basic feature
Andrii Kurhanevych
It is really very important for estimation and tracking of projects(e.g. estimation_min, estimatin_max)
Olek Nep
We waiting it more than 4 years.
Jannik Rahner
Our use case for this:
- Marketing campaigns as tasks
- Phases or channels of this campaign as subtasks
- Marketing budgets for each phase / channel as a custom field
- It would be necessary to see the calculated total budget for the campaign in the main task
Jannik Rahner
Thanks for the suggestion! Could be a good temporary workaround. How fast do the parent tasks update when you change a subtask? Could you share an image of the make workflow or even a template link?
this is another one I just ran into. man if ClickUp would address a couple/three of these, they could totally bulldoze excel.
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