Retroactively apply Templates to Views, statuses & tasks

From Support: It would be nice if edits to our Views applied to previous versions. This would prevent us from needing to update hundreds of Templates manually in a larger organization.
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Ryan Wychopen
PLEASE make this available! We just made a small change to a process at our company and now someone is going to have to go in and change hundreds of statuses.

We need this so badly. Like reusable blocks inside of wordpress.
We have the same views in many folders and lists but we have to update them everywhere. It's insanity and such a time suck.
Erin Smith
YES! If I make an update to a task status template, would be SO timesaving for it to update everywhere that template is used!
Shannon Kiefer
YES PLEASE. Updates to a template should automatically apply to the views with that template.
Arthur Wait
I made a change to a list template, then kept refreshing my browser to try and force my other lists based on the template to pick up the change. I assumed that it was just a browser caching issue. Then I came here. Pretty shocked this is still an open request in 2024.

Daniel Charles
The pain of having to update hundreds of lists when you change a view is just too much to bare sometimes so we lose the efficiency the new view brings or it gets deployed in an inconsistent way which ultimately chews up a lot of time to implement properly or fix later.

ClickUp Admin Mel H Zeb Here's another one........
Suggestion for upper management:
Buckle down on the 1K+(votes) Canny requests.
Simple as that.
New reporting features, tracking features, A.I. features..... Just. Just stop. Just... complete the 50+ 1K+ vote Canny requests and ClickUp will be like 94% done. Then you can focus on all the fiddly stuff like forms signatures and auto-sorting for drop-downs.
And by the way, how is this already-under-review request with fewer votes any different than the request I'm posting this comment in?

Mel H
Hey Michael!
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention! Since the answers to your questions are a bit outside my scope as Technical Support, I am going to reach out to our Product team so I can get an accurate answer for you. We will be in touch as soon as we have an update!
Best wishes!

Brendan W
Michael: Hey, there! Happy to answer your questions 😃
We're operating on all fronts to build some of the most requested features from Canny and our users, including some that haven't seen some focus in a while.
For templates specifically, we are first working on the ability to apply templates to already existing Spaces, Folders, or Lists, allowing you to update them with a template you might have recently used. This is common in workflows where you created, say a List from a template, but then updated the template and now want to apply the updated template to the List.
Retroactively applying the updates to the original objects you created from a template would be the next step, but is also a much larger technical hurdle to overcome.

Brendan W any chance that we will see some movement on this soon?
Even just like a piece of it?
A good basic one would be allowing us to set a locked standardized view like in wordpress. So if we want the GOALS list to load it will be the exact same template by default across every list and folder that uses it unless we toggle it on to edit it and make it not a reusable list.
I'm updating so many of these today and having to go into each one and load in the new template.
Such a time waste.

Ryan Wychopen
How is this not possible. I am about to spend like every day I have ever "saved" from clickup updating old lists to a new template.

Lev Bergfeld
Arthur Dekeyser
Please !!!!!!!!
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