Remap Subtask Due Dates when using Template via Quick Create
Molly [Unknown]
I use a template of a parent task with 6 subtasks, the template itself has existing due dates with subtask due dates mapped appropriately (I find it weird that the dates for subtasks aren't visible when creating a new task, nor can the subtasks be assigned at time of creation the way a parent task can). When I use the template to create a new task, if I change the date of the parent task during the task creation it does not offer the option to remap the due dates of the subtasks and only changes the due date of the parent task. Instead of have to create the task with the default due dates and remap after it has been created.
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Vicky Cleary
This would be very helpful and remove a manual step in an otherwise automated flow. I would also connect this with the request to skip weekends when automatically pulling a template from a form. Both will make the flow much more seamless.
Sean Kilcullen
We are evaluating features to improve next after Relationships in Templates and Default Task Template, so I will update this status when it is slotted for development!
Georgia Semple
any updates on when this feature might be available from automations creating a task and using a template with subtasks? it would help me so much!
Lauren Seim
This would be awesome.
Kristian Altuve
This would be a huge help
Amy Ritter
I'm very excited about this feature being worked on! I am trying to create an automation that will add a template of subtasks to a parent task, where the template includes dependencies, fixed dates, etc. and was so disappointed to know this isn't feasible yet. Keeping my fingers crossed this gets put into action very soon!
Clemence Wiart
Yesss yes yes please! I am trying to implement an automation that would apply a template (made of subtasks, dependencies, and fixed dates) on my parent task if it meets certain criteria, and I'd like the subtasks to automatically adjust their start and due dates based on either the trigger date or the parent task dates... It would be SO much easier to automate stuff for my kind of work! Thank you!
Eric Wightman
Merged in a post:
Due dates remapped when using a template
Greg McCarvell
When you load from a template, subtasks should be remapped. In fact, the whole idea of hard dates in templates is wrong. Every date of subtasks should be taken from the start date, due date or even a custom field.
Edmund Pelgen
I agree, it makes it so much simpler I'f I'm able to create a new project from a template that has the tasks set as start date +1, +5 etc. Thanks
Amyn Nasser
About time! I have an issue every time where when a Main Task's date is changed and then I get a message whereby if I want to change the subtasks which I did try, only thing is that it set the subtask to the same date as the Main Task... now, does that make any sense at all? Why would a subtask be due when a main task is? This Task/Subtask is Wonky at best!
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