Relative Date & Time for Automations (ex: schedule 7 days before due date)
in progress
- "7 days before the start date..."
- "Each Monday..."
- When ANY date changes to ANY date
- Use Date custom fields as automation triggers
- Be able to use Automations to change items such as Due Dates using relative dates, I.E. "Next Monday"
- "When a task becomes overdue I can then set it to 'Done'"
- Etc.
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Emily Austin
Please update automations to allow us to use relative dates. Setting a 'Fixed' date is not helpful in automations as that date is hard-coded for the entirety of the automation being active. The 'Date is Before/After' is a great start but we need that same functionality across all date fields.
Ex: When Priority set to 'High', set Due Date to (Start Date + 1)
Please add in date variables as well so we can make automations based on those as well. Ex: When Form submitted, set Due Date to (Today + 7 Days)
Emily Austin: Okay, you're looking for something like this?
Duncan Owen
My updated automations using this new feature didn't work this month Zach. Has this update been working effectively for everybody?
For reference, the two automationsI have setup should mark tasks as incomplete each month, and also set a new due date.
Duncan Owen: Could you please reach out to support if you haven't already. There's a bug fix going out soon for something else that was reported but it's not clear it's the same as what you're running into. Thank you
Miriam Daub
Zach checking - will custom date fields finally have an 'is set' as an automation trigger with this rollout? Like here:
Miriam Daub: Not with this roll out. But thanks for linking that feature request, I'll check it out.
Kristina Ota
Zach This automation is already super useful to my workspace and helpful to my team. However... a condition in the automation that would exclude tasks with Dependencies, would make this a lot better! The automation is triggering on tasks that have waiting on dependencies, and I am looking for a way to avoid that.
Alternatively, is there a way in the system to automatically update/remap due dates for subtasks that have dependencies and that blocked task is not yet complete/now overdue?
Tomasz Banas
Zach, we are trying to set up automation to change the status of tasks from "ACCEPTED" to "CLOSED" after they have been in the "ACCEPTED" status for 7 days. I don't see this would be possible here—I hope I'm wrong.
Tomasz Banas: I think you'd be looking for Timed Automations which is separate from this.
Tomasz Banas
Zach, got it, thank you �
Koen Vanneste
Hi, I tried the same but also not working. In my case, I have a list of contracts with start date and due date. I want Clickup to alert me (f.ex. send me an email) when the current date is 30 days before the due date. I now tried it with the action 'assign to me' , but nothing happens.
Isaac Svensson
This is GREAT!
While we're working on this, I see one last really useful (and I hope easy to add) field: "DAYS BEFORE/AFTER EXISTING DUE DATE"
EG: When scheduled date arrives, set due date to 1 day after existing due date.
This would allow me to set up templates that keep the dates aligned upon creation. I could have a sequence of subtasks that happen over the course of 2 weeks and the dates always align when I create a new template.
Thank you!
Sally Henson
Hey Zach Thanks for the video. I did attempt the # of days before a date, but I'm thinking it's not what I'd hoped it to be for our product launches. I've attached a video with my attempt.
Jennie Kay
Very useful video, thank you!
We are sooooo close to completing this feature request.
I wanted to dive deep into the WHAT here so you know exactly what will be shipped by the time I complete this feature request. For the 400+ of you that signed up for the beta, happy automating!
If these kinds of videos are helpful, I can share with my colleagues so we can try to do these "peek behind the curtains a little", more often.
Almost there! 🙏
Cassandra Anderson
Zach for some reason the video doesn’t play, just spins. I love the idea of a sneak peek though!
James Guitard
Zach I really don't understand how you can plan to close this feature request, when it's only partially meeting the requirements of the original request from 4 years ago.
The requirement below is not being planned for the release, correct?
"Be able to use Automations to change items such as Due Dates using relative dates, I.E. 'Next Monday'"
For our team's use cases, this is by far the most important requirement. After you deploy a solution that does not address this, will we need to post ANOTHER feature request and wait 4 more years for implementation?
James Guitard: The scope of this feature request is very large with numerous asks so that one got lost in the shuffle, you're correct.
To confirm, you are looking to do something like this?
Suresh Patti
Zach we select the due dates based on priority to next 2, 3 days
If we submit the task on Thu or Friday , due dates set up toSat or Sun.
If there is an option to select Skip Weekends, due dates will be directly set up Monday without manually adjusting for each task
Gisleine Santa
Zach Hi! Yes, this is what we need. In my case, I need to plan some lab test in a waterfall sequence. I have to test 4 times the sample each 7 days. I need to chose the start of my test i.e: Next Monday and automate the due date of the next task, 7 days after the parent task due date.
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