Recurring Tasks: Option for hourly repeated Tasks
Kaylyn Knoll
From support ticket: I have something that is doable every three hours. Since ClickUp doesn't have hourly repeats, i went to set up separate tasks, one with a 00:00-03:00 start and due, the next with 03:00-06:00, etc for the full 24 hour coverage, eight tasks total. I started with the 09:00 task as that was the next one up when i started crafting them, set it up with normal, not legacy recurring every day. I then duplicated that task and modified the times for the next three hour window. And repeated, duplicate the latest task, modify times until i had all eight.
When i started to check off these tasks as complete, their next occurrences all came up as next day, 09:00-12:00 regardless of the times i had set them to.
It would be nice to have the option to have this available in recurring tasks.
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Sebastian C
Can we get an update on this? As an add-on, it'd also be nice to have recurrence in terms of a count per time frame. I.e., recur 5 times today, recur 7 times throughout the week, recur 5 times in the hour, etc...
Maarten Tigchelaar
I've checked out the new Recurring Task Overview. Please add sorting of all the columns + filtering on recurrence (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, custom).
Kristy Carlisle
I would love the ability to sort recurring tasks by Task Name and be able to export the data for further analysis. I am also noticing tasks are recurring outside of the day/time they should be recurring. There are definitely some discrepancies within the recurring functionality.
Glen Hauer
The lack of this feature means I will move on to find a suitable app.
+1 For the tasks that occur 3–5x per day
I made a post asking to input more refined hour triggers for automations as well if you can please vote there (mockup attached)
6 Stars Cleaning
Any updates please?
Ivan Villa
Merged in a post:
intra-day recurrence
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Hello, I'd like to see the possibility of recurrence intra-day. Like a reminder to exercise every 2 hours for my shoulders.
This is possible with legacy recurring, it's about perfect, please make it available in the new recursion too!
Tatjana Prelog
Hourly recurrance would surely be fine and that's why I try to navigate from another platform to here, however if recurrance would not be for example 2 hours after the task is done, but rather after an hour (regardless when the task was completed, it wouldn't help me much.
So, it'd be nice if we'd have hourly recurrances after the task is actually completed.
I schedule quite some tasks this way and the feature would be really of a huge help to me. Hope, the thing happens in the future!
This would be helpful for things that need to recur at work. Or for personal habits.
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Schedule recurring tasks within hourly intervals
Jeffrey Ballard
Hi! I would like to use the recurring task (or reminder) function to remind me to execute a certain task that repeats a few times within the same day. One time daily seems to be the shortest duration available so far and I'd rather not have to schedule or clutter up my daily task list with multiple tasks for the same item at different times.
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