Prompt to fill in field values when task is being moved to a location with a required Custom Field
Visiting a task after moving and adjusting values for Custom Field(s) can be cumbersome, especially when moving tasks in bulk.
A feature like this exists when moving tasks between lists with mis-matching statuses. Can it be done for Custom Fields?
Get prompted for trying to send a task to another location and use that same prompt to fill in the required Custom Fields which exist in the destination-List.
For context, we have a main Dropdown-CF for classifying our tasks named, "Directory." This Directory CF is required for a lot of our organized Lists.
We also have a List named, "Ideas" for brain dumping potential tasks. This list does not include the required CF from above. Not having it helps with the flow and speed of jotting down ideas. Once a week, we process that Ideas List to decide which ideas are worth working on and which ones to discard. It's during that weekly routine where we move approved tasks to their new locations and then add values for the Custom Fields, either individually or in-bulk.
Being prompted would save us the time from having to revisit tasks individually and adjust their values thereafter. Having this way of recording and routinely processing ideas would help us make use of the "Second Brain" concept made by Tiago Forte.
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