Personal List
Sascha Kirchdörfer
The new Personal List is nice and should be available directly in the sidebar. It should offer all the features of a regular list: views, automations,...
In fact, a personal space by default would be nice. But I guess everyone has already created a private space anyways ;-)
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Ryan MacAlmon
Yes, please put this in the side bar for easier navigation and adoption. Also perhaps consider consolidating the Personal list with Reminders
Alissa McCaw
I have been using the Personal list as a GTD-style 'Inbox'. Since it doesn't live in any space, it's the perfect spot for a brain-dump until I have time to sit at my computer and sort my tasks properly. It would be nice to be able to re-name this list 'Inbox', since ClickUp doesn't have a true inbox for brain dumping tasks/ideas.
Zoe Blogg
This would be great, i work best in Kanban view and would love the option for my own list
Guy Mannerings
I would rather remove the Personal List completely.
- ClickUp always suggested creating your own Personal Space, so I already have that in place.
- The Personal List does not have most features of normal Spaces/Lists, so I am not going to transition to it.
- It also does not have folders for organisation.
- It is also only accessible from the Home screen as a widget.
- I see not perceivable benefit of it at all over just having a Personal Space, and then exposing that in a similar fashion (e.g., Dashboard and Home screen widgets for a select List in your Personal Space, the sidebar showing a specific list from your Personal Space, etc).
It's annoying to me that tasks now get defaulted to it in many places (e.g., on mobile), which means Tasks get lost down the black hole of a place I never look at. It's so easy to lose tasks because they auto-save there and I don't realise.
The old approach of HAVING to select a location before saving a Task was a much better approach.
Ryan Krueckeberg
Personal lists aren't useful until it can be shown in your "everything" view. The fact that personal list tasks are so segregated makes it not useful to me. Not sure why the personal list is a better option than just a private list in a space somewhere.
I don’t understand the purpose of the personal list, and I don’t use it at all. It feels like I'm being forced to see it, even though it’s just taking up unwanted space and adds visual and mental clutter. I've never wanted or needed this list. I have adhd, this list begin appearing in my mobile app last week and i've spent 8 hours trying to remove it, plus two support tickets, only to find out that I can't delete it or design my views to remove this useless list. Zeb
Rene Hoferichter
I end up too often not finding tasks I created where they should be but in the personal list. I would rather set a List as default for creating tasks.
Tim Jasper
please turn this off clickup. I don't need it, and I certainly don't want it as my default list on mobile when I add tasks.
Gidi Kadosh
I strongly agree! Also, once of reasons why I think the personal list should behave differently, is because it isn't included in Everything views (see a different ticket:
In general, maybe letting users choose a default list is also a good solution to have "personal lists" that have the same superpowers as other lists...
Uncle King
Turn personal list into a CLICKAPP so it can be turned off for those who don't want it.
Mitch Webster
Uncle King Agree. Now we get personal lists added to every workspace (only visible on the mobile??)
This should be something that can be turned off.
I personally have no use for this nor do i needed them added automatically to every workspace. (My workspaces are all shared)
It only shows up on the mobile app. Not sure if this is something anyone else is experiencing?
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