Permissions - Allow subtasks to have different permissions than their parent task
Nathaniel Cassidy
Rather than subtasks always inheriting sharing setting from their parent task it would be really handy to be able to share with guest users at subtask level without fully sharing the parent task.
Either by showing limited info for the parent task, or nothing at all.
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Jeff MacNeill
We would also like this very much. Came here looking for this feature request! Very helpful for our company as we structure Service Visits as a parent task and within that task we have a bunch of internal tasks like booking flights, travel logistics, internal dialogue and then some subtasks that would be super helpful to share with the client and allow them to comment on. Currently I can share a private link to the subtask with view only, but I can’t enable commenting / invite them as a guest without doing it at the parent task level, which exposes them to content we don’t want to share.
Lenny Krygier
Would also like to give Permissions to only create subtask to users once a Parent task has been created.
Sara Nalbanti
Very much needed feature! For us the opposite though, to have private subtasks and share the parent with customers. But regardless to separate the sharing settings between parents and subtasks.
Natalie Williams
Sara Nalbanti I need both options to really work efficiently. It seems ridiculous that years have gone by and we still can't have different permissions for parent tasks and subtasks
Tim Jasper
Sara Nalbanti Yes fantastic idea. Even displaying linked tasks on the tasks details tab would be better than nothing. (ah I just noticed your vote on this. thanks!)
Julius Jeppe
Use case: A sales space has a list that manages leads. Each task in the list is a lead. The task holds sensitive information, such as forecasted value, attachments, emails to and from the client comments, etc. We need to create subtasks on each task and assign to non sales team members such as 'Import received CAD and create a few wireframe screenshots for the presentation deck' or 'Change the branding in the renders on the project zeus slides'. These tasks need to have time tracked which sits with the sale - so during reporting and forecasting we can see how many hours each sale is using from an whole of team perspective. Also needs to sit with the sale so the sales team member can efficiently manage a lead from a single task item.
Trying to build a workaround to this now using automations, duplicate tasks, formulas, tags, dummy lists, checklists, swearing, feeling despondent, and some crazy glue and glitter. None of it is working.
Martin Oosthuizen
Pretty important feature. You can add a subtask to another list, which is awesome, but that needs to go along with being able to control the scope of that subtask. When the parent task contains confidential information or simply info you don't want surfacing through the subtask, it becomes a huge collaboration blocker. You end up having to re-think the structure resulting in duplicate work and managing related work in multiple places just to solve for scope issues.
Tim Jasper
Clickup? Any feedback on this please? This is an increasingly frustrating issue. I can't roll out clickup to our team until this is done. We need private subtasks and Ability to share a specific page or pages in a doc (ie Allow Pages of documents to be private )
Tim Jasper
How about allowing subtasks to be private?
Javaughn Lawrence
We need this too. Do we have an update when will this be available?
Tim Jasper
Seriously Clickup. Please fix this! and other similar permission related issues in clickup eg Ability to share a specific page or pages in a doc. . This is so frustrating. I want to use clickup with my team, but Clickup's permission structure is so flawed that I can't. Why is such an important feature not in progress? (It's not even planned??)
Ashley Kissinger
A great use case for this is when a parent task is "Blog XYZ" and I want to have a subtask that is "Client Review" which I can assign to the client BUT I don't want the client to be able to see all of our internal comments and coaching on this blog parent task or the working docs we kept in the description
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