Offline Mode
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Guy Mannerings
Because of the whole "having to click the edit button" thing, creating a Note/editing a Task Description/editing a Doc does not work when offline or in a bad signal area.
It's a huge, huge problem.
ClickUp NEEDS to work offline and in bad signal areas.
It should just sync changes when back online.
Andreas Novotny
Every time I try to open click up for making a short note, but get stopped due to a connection error, I end up having to add the note to another program, and the whole idea of clickup fails. This might be a dealbreaker.
Andreas Holmander
Can we have a reply on this feature request?
Jolene Underwood
Adding my thoughts to say that true offline mode is a vital but missing piece in the desktop. Only being able to access content you remember to download before you are offline is not feasible or really an offline mode.
If wifi goes out, or if I want to work where there is no internet access, I want to be able top open the app to the lastest sync and work from there.
I am working on organizational docs and want to keep some with my projects tasks in Clickup, but if I can't access them easily when traveling, it's not a good option for me.
Offline Mode seems confusing and deceiving because it requires a lot of foresight and prep which doesn't make sense.
I love ClickUp for so many reasons. There have been numerous updates which seem to take in customer needs.
But this issue (and not being able to change the color of completed tasks) seems like 2 key ones that have been feature requests for a LONG time.
I would love to see an update on this soon, please.
Guy Mannerings
I don't understand why the Desktop app doesn't support (almost) full offline functionality.
I don't see the benefit of the Desktop app over the web app. Surely a main benefit would be to be able to sync all data to my hard drive for fast speeds and offline use.
I really want to be able to access Docs and Tasks offline, and also get quicker loading times.
This not only helps with internet/ClickUp down-times, but also when travelling (on a plane, etc). Currently, zero work can be done on ClickUp when offline.
And on mobile, we should be able to choose what syncs offline.
Luci N.
Jaki K
Incredibly important - When ClickUp had a bit of a melt-down the other week we lost all ability to work. It wasted team time, set us back and caused no end of knock on effects for days afterwards. It made us concerned about CU for the first time and because of it we have already started to change some of our processes.
Please Get a desktop offline version, where at least if CU has a bit of a blip, we can keep working without internet and real time sign in needed.
Thank you
Jeff MacNeill
Bumping this..Our office needs to be able to use the Desktop version in an offline mode to be able to synch notes and tasks created during site visits to locked-down / remote sites. Ideally field notes including pictures can be created and then synchronized when connected later. Currently when i try to open ClickUp with no internet access it just spins its wheels. Current function seems to handle transient outages when the app is already open.
Fred Astier
i see this is an open request for 5 years now, and still not fully functional. What are the best alternatives? I have to...
Michael Ichter
Fred Astier Zenkit is one where I've seen decent offline access. I think Trello has it only for mobile.
Ygor Lira
A 100% functional offline mode is urgent!!!
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