Notifications don't work ever! All my team are facing the same issue.
Malek Zalfana
I thought its just the Mac app but then chrome as well, I have checked notifications settings everything is clear but its still don't work. am i the only one here?
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Sydney Lewis
are you having this issue as well? I like the separate of important and not, but with all the new "grouping" of notifications my team isn't seeing all of the comments in their inbox. "My team is having trouble seeing the most recent comment in their inbox. The inbox is grouping all of the task's notifications together and they are not seeing the most recent or most relevant to them comment. Despite tagging them multiple times, they are not being properly notified. This seems to be happening with new and exiting threads. Can a setting be added where we can say "don't group notifications by task"? We often have several threads happening in one task and people need to be able to see the most recent comments first."