notification settings for watchers
Christopher Le
Here is my situation:
1/ I assign a task to AAA
2/ Later I reassign the task to BBB. AAA had been removed from the task assignment (AAA had too much on their plate). As such, it is only BBB assigned to the said task
3/ When I add a comment (no @mentions), I want it ONLY to notify the current assignee - BBB only
However, your current system notifies both AAA and BBB despite that I had removed AAA in step 2. The reason being is that your system, whenever they've been @mentioned, been previously assigned to the task but now removed, etc. they're automatically added as a watcher.
As a result, its confusing my staff that they are receiving email notifications for jobs that are not assigned to them.
What I am asking for is either:
a/ remove the feature where one is auto-added as a watcher whenever they simply been @mentioned,
or previously assigned but no longer
b/ include a watcher notification setting where users can unsubscribe to email updates to tasks they've been assigned (inadvertently) as a watcher.
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Miriam Daub
PLEASE remove the feature where anyone is added as a watcher when they've been @ mentioned. It is such a pain for our workspace!
People assign & unassign themselves from tasks all the time in our Workspace but have to manually remove themselves as watcher when they unassign themselves again so they don't get any notifications. There needs to be an option to automatically un-watch a task when you've unassigned yourself from it as it is quite tedious to do manually all the time.
Heidi Denney
We continually have to remove people as watchers. We really only want notifications for mentions. We don't want them for ANYTHING else. But we're constantly being auto-assigned as watchers.
For now, when you change the assignment to BBB, go in and manually remove AAA as a watcher. It's annoying but it'll save your staff a lot of unnecessary frustration.
Lisa Renninger
Agreed, please don't auto-assign watchers! Make it an opt-in for watchers, not an opt-out.
Annette Franklin
Yes! It is really annoying and a time waster to have so many notifications that are not necessary. When tasks go back and forth from person to person and then you have an admin who is making changes of task assignment regularly based on time constraints everyone gets notified all the time. All users should have the option of being assigned if they want to watch the task. There is no need to have everyone assigned as a watcher.
Michaelia Tyler
Agreed - we are reassigning tasks regularly and our team gets really annoyed when they get unnecessary notifications on things they are no longer assigned to.