Move to Bottom, Move to Top buttons.
under review
Joeffrey Biccay
As a Product Owner, prioritizing tasks is crucial. Working on a list and identifying whether an item is deprioritized or not makes the "Move to Bottom" and "Move to Top" buttons very handy.
Support has mentioned this was removed from 2.0, it would be nice to revive this feature.
Cheers! Jops
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Michael Van Doorn
Hey, everyone!
Thank you for the details you've provided!
To better understand your request, could you please describe the problem you're experiencing and identify the specific areas of the Product where it occurs? This will allow us to determine whether a solution should be scoped to Task view or if it's more pertinent to individual views, such as List, Board, Calendar, etc.
Thanks so much!
Sérgio Henrique Marchiori
I think Melissa Breau nailed the explanation. It's exactly the same situation I face every time I need to move cards up and down.
Darren MacDonald
Looking again today I noticed that the scrolling speed when dragging tasks up and down a list has increased by maybe 4x on both the web and Windows apps. Works much better for me now.
Darren MacDonald
I like to keep a long backlog of tasks in a single ranked list. As a developer it's easier to work from compared to 'priority' or 'severity' categories. The backlog is continuously ranked over time by the whole team with most attention at the top. A developer looking for work has only to take the topmost item. Want to prioritize something? Move it up the list. Want to put something out of mind but might come back to it someday? Bottom of the backlog. I spend a lot of time dragging items up and down the list partly because the window doesn't scroll up and down very fast.
Jules Robbins
This is SO critical. Prior version of Clickup had this. You could enter it to be position number 1.
Karl-Erik Wångstedt
Use case in a team of >5:
We are only working in the board view and have currently (from left to right) a Backlog column with 115 tasks, a Todo column with 35 tasks and an In progress with 4 tasks. Once a week we go through the Todo together with stakeholders from other teams and prioritise what order to work through the tasks. In this session we drag and drop the order of the tasks in the column so that the most prioritised are at the top, and the least at the bottom.
Since we have more tasks than can fit on a screen at any given moment it would be very handy to have buttons on the task to "move up/move down" and "move to top/move to bottom".
Once a month we do the same with our Backlog column, and it is more or less impossible to move tasks up and down to the right spot by drag-and-drop.
We would also really like to have the manual order number in the task so you can enter a position of the task directly.
All of this was present in 2.0 but disappeared in 3.
Rebecca Julius
My primary use case is in a list view. I have different lists where different people set different priorities, so the priority would not be on the task itself, but within a list view. I frequently have long backlogs, where dragging and dropping tasks is a pain - grab the drag handle and scroll and scroll and scroll .... I often know I want the task close to the top or close to the bottom, so if I could do THAT in one click (or at least without scrolling and dragging) then I could drag and drop it among the top 10 or bottom 10 a lot easier. Thanks!
Melissa Breau
I don't know if i speak for everyone but this is the use case for me:
Sérgio Henrique Marchiori
Melissa Breau very that, absolutely
Michael Van Doorn
Hey, everyone!
Thank you for the details you've provided!
To better understand your request, could you please describe the problem you're experiencing and identify the specific areas of the Product where it occurs? This will allow us to determine whether a solution should be scoped to Task view or if it's more pertinent to individual views, such as List, Board, Calendar, etc.
Thanks so much!
webks: websolutions kept simple
Michael Van Doorn for us this is the case in (large) lists with Tasks or Substasks. In Folders, Lists and the tasks itself (Subtasks Tab)
Leo Bastian
Michael Van Doorn see the answer from Chris on 27.2!
Imagine you're a Product Owner in Scrum or anyone else and need to frequently reprioritise and change the order in your Backlog (List + Board views). A backlog contains everything needed for you to build a valuable product and should usually be DEEP (
Clickup currently offers drag and drop to move items and had in Clickup 2.0 view a field where you could enter list position for single entries (this was a workaround)
- Imagine very long lists, where items are created or added at the bottom of the List or Board and now you have to drag & drop them from the bottom of a 60+ item list on a frequent basis (our backlog is around 140 items)
- this is super time waste and annoying
- your competitor Jira has this feature for decades
- I don't want to introduce an extra status prioritzed as your product management template suggests. A Backlog is the source of truth and the item order reflects the priorities.
Give me anything better and faster than drag and drop to move stuff from the bottom/top of a list to the top/bottom e.g. "context menu right click move to top/bottom/mid option"
Maggie M
Michael Van Doorn for me, and it sounds like for most others, it's a pain to drag and drop a task all the way to the top or bottom of a list. If we could just right click and "send to top" or "send to bottom" that would be so helpful. I do this within a status so like in the "backlog" status section, I'd want to push a task all the way up or down. Or in the "ready for dev" section, I'd want to push a task all the way up or down. And so on.
Carlota Royo
Michael Van Doorn when I create a task I want to decide with just one click if it goes to top (top priority) or bottom (low priority) of a list.
Sometimes it is a task that was created before, and, while I review them, I want to move them to the top or to the bottom with just one click.
Michael Van Doorn
Thank you all!
It sounds like a possible solution would be able to provide a 'send to top/bottom' upon right-click of a Task or within a tasks ellipses menu. This suits the needs of being used directly in a view or from List view.
In such cases we would be aware of the tasks ordering and update for any grouping types.
Reiterating everyone's pain on this one.
Dragging tasks on long backlogs is very painful, especially since the dragging action is not 'buttery smooth'. However, even if it were, we still need a quick way to move an item quickly to the top/bottom of the pile.
I'm not aware of any workarounds to this, other than "close your eyes, meditate, and hope for the best" while dragging :)
Would love to see this long-requested need move to "Planned" status soon.
Cian Montgomery
This was tolerable with the editable task position in the header. Now in 3.0 there is no work around to this missing feature. it takes over a minute to drag a task from the bottom of a list to the top. Don't know why the drags scroll speed is so slow. Critical miss in functionality.
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